Page 95 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 95

Rcucnue—expenditure budgets              417

                   inclination, in to forestall ariticiom or agita­
                   tion. It may toko some timo to work out program­
                   med, but to bogin with it would ba as wall to corw
                   toraplato an annual expenditure for aoveral yeara
                   of Rs. 2£ lakhs on new schemas# Actually tha
                   figure may vary greatly from year to year, but I
                   suggest this as a working figure*
                        C*   It follows then that while the Reserve

                   is boing created over a period of - say - 15 years,
                   the State will probably be charging an average of
                       * *
 Alternatively     Rs. 4 lakhs plus Rs. 2$ lakhs against (i) oil ro­
 Rs. 3»V lakhs
 end Rs. 3 lakhs.  yalties and (ii) interest on invested royalties
                    (the latter boing on annually increasing sum)*
                     IV. Suggestions.
                              I suggest therefore that, for the

                   purpooo of framing a programme, the following
                   assumptions be drawni-
  •a. excluding    1* Total State* receipts from
 is Highness*           Royalties over probable
 hare.                  period of 15 years        •      Rs.293 Lakhs
                   2,  Total sum required for
                        investment,               • •    Rs.187 lakhs
                   3.  Total sura required to
                        balance budget during
                        "building11 period of
                        15 years.                 ••     Re* 97£ lakhs.
                   4* Total sura available
                        from Royalties for
                        expenditure during
                        period in which Re­
                        serve is being created* ••       Rs.106 lakhs
                    5* Expected total interest
                        in same period on invest­
                        ments (not including sum
                        invested to end of last
                        financial year as this is
                        already taken into account
                        in current budget) - not
                        less than                 •.     Rs. 40 lakhs
                    6*  Balance (4 plus 5 minus 3)
                        mtdxdaftg:fom>dbta for unfore­
                        seen liabilities and defici­
                        encies - roughly          ##     Rs* 49 lakhs*.

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