Page 84 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 84
406 Records of Bahrain
approxinately Hi 9,22,000/- slightly logo than
the bus allowed for thio purpooe In tho Budget
l'or 1255.
lu addition to thio h 50,000/- was spent
on tho Yiait of Hla Highness shaikh Sir Hamad
to England, this oxpendituro was not providod
for in tho Budget an when the Budget was made
tho Yioit had not been definitely decided upon.
Tho Expenditure of ^ 1,64,000/- was pro
vided for in the buppleiwnlury Budget for 1355,
but actually Ri 2,33,000/- was spent. The pro
bability of this further expenditure undor this
heading was envisaged in ay report on tho Budget
for 1355, page 5, paragraph one.
Of thio anount ni 06,000/- waa apont on
the now customs house and enlarging the pier speoe,
Ri 68,000/- was spent on ooaploting the Manamah -
Uahsraq road up to the channel Inoluding e oertai n
anount of filling in the channel, Rs 15,000/- waa
spent on road oonstruotion Inoluding the new tana nab -
Budeys road, and Rs 49,000/- was spent on building
shops on govorunout land in tho baxaar, on two new
disponnaries, a barrack roon at the fort, a wall
round taranok Palace, reclamation of the sewer in
liedd and various smallor buildings, repairs and
oxtonaiona. Tho coat of the Public Aorka Depart
ment establiahnent waa h 12,900/-. Filling pits
at the buck of Uananah, which during part of the
year collect stagnant water and breed moj quitoes
a cost l» 7,000/-.
6. Almost all the money expended during
the year with the exseption of the visit to England
has bsea spent lotally end undoubtedly noet of it
has —