Page 83 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 83
Rcuenuc-cxpcnditurc budgets 405
of 4,79,000/- in oddilion to the four lacs
Jiouorvo I'VuuL Out of this balanco 4,11,752/-
(^30,GUO/-) huo boon in yob tod in 3A,, British .sar
lx>nn whioh inoroaaeo the n'esorve i,'und to approxi
mately li 0,12,000/-.
5. Notoo on lubo rovonue.
Customs roYonuo waa ^ 1,03,000/- more than
during previous year. Tho oatisfaotory inoroaBo
refloots the improved oondition of trade in Bahrain
whioh is mainly duo to the oil industry. During
port of the year as many uo 5,U00 labourers were
in the oaploymont of tho Bahrain Petroleum Company
and most of their oumingo woro opont In tho Bahrain
basaars. Tho influx of huropeane end highly paid
Aaiatioa hue stimulated tho import of highly prided
luxury artiolos ouoh as photographic materiel etc. etc.
Tho rerenuo from liquor alono during the year amounted
to Hi 14,841/-,
The oil royalty was oror a lao more than dur
ing the previous yoar.
The remaining sources of revenue show no
noticeable change except a large increase under motor
taxes which is due to the number of vehicle• and
drivero employed by the Bahrain Petroleum Company.
The actual revenue during 1355 exceeded the
estimate in the Budget by seven laoa, this was because
tho customs receipts and oil royalty considerably
exoeedod ay expeetatlone.
Rotes on 1355 expenditure.
Tho normal recurrent expenditure during 1355
mhich is the cost of administering and protesting
the oeuntry and providing the Civil List m appro-