Page 150 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 150

                              The Hon’ble Lt-Colonel W.R. Hey, C.I.E., Political
                Resident in   the Persian Gulf arrived on 21st April, 1942 and left
                for J®6k on 22nd April, 1942*
                                      . i
                              Captain Hasean, Consular Liaison officer arrived
                from Kerman on 18th December, 1942 and left for Kerman on 22nd
                December, 1942.
                      Cb) CONSULAR STATISTICS,
                          The following are the Consular Statistics for the
                year x-
                          British subjects registered.               47.
                          Passports granted,                         mi.
                          passports renewed.                           3©
                          Documents legalised.                       11.
                          Visas granted.                             Nil.
                          Total fees levied.                         £. 5-10-0

                      (II) VISITORS (British).

                           Lt. Barnett arrived from Tehran on 10th January, 1942
                to arrange shipment of red oxide and left for Tehran on 18th
                January, 1942.
                           Lt. H. Rushworth, R.N-V.R., Officer-in-Charge Khor
                Kuwi arrived to buy a dhow on 21st January, 1942 and returned to
                lOior Kuwi on 22nd January, 1942.

                           Lt. H. Rushworth, R.N.V.R., arrived again from Khor
                Kuwi on 14th February, 1942 and returned on 17th February, 1942.
               He paid a third visit on I9th and left on 20th February, 1942.
                           Mies Petley and Miss Stratton of the C.M.S. Kerman
                arrived on 16tlx February, 1942 and left for Kerman on 22nd March,

                           Lt. Sethi and Lt. Rhodes arrived from Kerman on 19th
               March, 1942 and left for Kerman on 22nd March, 1942.
                           Mr. sripacl Rao, representative of U.K.C.C. arrived
               from Kerman on 21st May, 1942 to arrange transport of petrol and
               left for Kerman on 28th Lay, 1942*

                           Flight-Lieutenant Simmons and Pilot officer Langston,
               R.A.F. arrived from Sharjah on 18th June, 19*2 anu left for
               Ling ah the same day.
                           Flight-Lieutenant Simmons and Pilot Officer Langston,
               R.A.F. arrived from Jask on 15th August, 1942 and left for Sharjah
               the same day.
                           Flight-Lieutenant Simmons and Flight Lieutenant Riddell
               arrived from Lingah on 20th October and left for Sharjah on 21st
                           Mr. O.B. Lean, Locust Officer, British Legation, Tehran,
               Mr. V. Ulyianischev, Soviet Entomologist and Flight-Lieutenant
               Riddell arrived from Sharjah on 26th October and left for jaak
               on the 27th October.
                           Mr. O.B. Lean and Mr. V. Ulyianischev arrived from Jask
               on 29th October and left for Sharjah the same day.
                           Wing Commander Gyll-hury, Flight-Lieutenant Gilbert end
              Pilot Officers Nunn and Imery arrived from Sharjah on 15th November
              and left for Sharjah on 17th November.

                     (HI) FOREIGNERS.
                           Messrs Bailey and Macdonald, American eubjecta, ___
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