Page 346 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 346

334                        Records of Bahrain

                                      No.156.                       PERSIAN GULF RESIDENCY,
                                      (203/2/48).                          BAHRAIN.

                                                                     29th October 1948.
                                              I hove the honour to forward herewith a copy
                                    of a notice recently Issued by the Bahrain Government,
                                    forbidding Bahrain subjects to acquire identity certi­
                                    ficates or other travel documents from other Govern­
                                    ments, together with an explanatory memorandum from

                                    Mr. Belgrave. The notice Is somewhat baldly worded
                                    and no penalty is provided for any breach of Its pro­
                                    visions. It remains to be seen whether the Persians
                                    will make use of it for propaganda in support of their
                                    claim to Bahrain.
                                    2.         I am sending a copy of this despatch to His
                                    Majesty*s Embassies at Baghdad and Tehran.

                                                              I have the honour to be
                                                                With the highest respect

                                                             Your most obedient, humble Servant,

                                     The Rt. Hon. Ernest Bevin, M.P.,
                                               etc., etc., etc.,
                                             Foreign Office,
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