Page 342 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 342

:• '
                              330                       Records oj Bahrain
                                   [This telegram is of particular sccrcoy and should ho
                                   retained hy the authorised recipient and not passod on].
                                   B. 12605/587/01
                                   Secret                  DBPARTr-jMlVJi DISTRIBUTION.
                                           FROM FOHKTQW OFFICH TO MTOH,
                                   Ho. 11123
                                   0th October 1940.    D. 6,40 a.m. 9th Octohor 1940.
                                    Repeated to Tehran Ho. 59 Saving
                                               Bahrein Ho, 19 Saving
                                               U.IC, Delegation Hew York Wo, 754- Saving,
   i                               Sl’iCUi-.T.
  : .
  • i                                   /ddrossed to V.’ashin^ton tclcgrrunHo^ 11 IP, 5 of
    I                              Bahrein and United kingdom Delegation Hew York.
                                    0th October repeated Tor information Saving to Tehran,
   \ !
                                        Hr. Iloycr Millar's letter of the 21st September
                                    about Bahrein.
                                        We ore grateful for State Departunnt1 s views
                                    and glud to note largo measure of agreement.
                                    2.   As regards the suggestion that the forthcoming
                                    approach to the Persian Government about off-shore
                                    oil in the Persian Gulf might afford an opportunity
                                    for the British and United States Governments to
                                    give an official warning to the Persian Government,
                                    Our past experience has shown that while the Persians
                                    arc sometimes amenable to on oral approach on the
                                    subject of Bahrein any full-dress or written approach
                                    almost invariably goads them into a similar reply.
                                    3.   Y/o have proposed (Hr. Burrows' letter to Mr, Allen
                                    of October 4tn) that in the course of our agreed oral
                                    communications to the Persian Government about the
                                    continental shelf wo should say we hoped they would confine

                                    themselves to a purely formal protest with regard to

                                    Bahrein (i.c. a protest made pour la fome and which
                                            (i.e. a protest made pour la fo rue and which
                                    would not necessarily be followed up), \Ye could meet
                                    the State Department to some extent by adding to this
                                    that if the Persians did any more than this, i.e. if they
                                    sought international sanction of their claim, we should
                                    strenuously oppose any such attempt since we consider
                                    they have no political or legal grounds whatsoever. Any
                                    such action oh tneir part would therefore lead to open
                                                 ______  Iho Persian Government on the one
                                    disagreement between
                                    hand and His   Mojo sty's Government and United States
                                    Government on   the other - to the great advantage of the
                                         [Copy sent to Middle Bast Secretarial],
                                    v v v
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