Page 345 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 345

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1940              333

                            GOVF.KNMhNT 0!*' BA1MAIN
               No. /1307.

                      The public uro hereby informed that
               Bahrain subjects are forbidden to acquire
               passports, Nationality Certificates or travel
               permits except, those which are Issued by the
               Bahrain Government.    Bahrain subjects ara
               forbidden to conceal theJr nationality when
               outside BohrnJn for any reason.

               2.     All Bahrain subjects who wish to go oh
               the Pilgrimage to Holy Places in Iraq should
               apply to the Bahrain Government for recommending
               tl'io grant of a visa to Iraq.
                      Let this be known.

                                 (tif.b) C. DALKYiiPLE BE LG HAVE

                                  Advisor to the Government.

               Dated 15th DulhaJ 1367
                     18th October, 1948.
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