Page 341 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 341

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948             329

                                            lf'ORKION Ol'TICK,

                                              13. W. 1 •
               (15 121305/3137/01)
                                            11th October, 1940.
              TOl* iiKCHKT

                    Thank you Tor your letter ifo.Q. 47/72/40
               or 7th September nbout Bahrein.            •N
                    Wo have conoidcred the poauibility of
               amending our concluoiono on-tlie oubject in ouch n
               way oo to rnnko uoo of the variant you propose of
               the aunocation made at (i) on pace 1 of toy letter
               of Olat Aup/uot. Tho conoral concluoion we have
               como to ha.vovcr, with which the State Deportment '
               afjreo, lothat all tliirifjo conaidared it io
               probably hotter, if wo ore finally unaubcoaaful
               in proventinc tho Poraiuno from taking their caoo
               to the Unitod Hationo. to let them do oo and then ,
               to proeood no in (ill) and (iv) of our concluoiona.
               Tho State Dopartmant hoo now nccoptod our viownin
               Conoral ond wo uhould profor to leave the. matter
               ao it io. If ond whon wo cot to the otnge
               mentioned in your letter it will, of couroo, alwaya
               be po8oiblo to roopon the nueotion in conoultation
               with the Americano.
                                        OVA '0"^> ’      .

                                       (13. A. D. 13urr ay a).

                                      K.C.M.G.j       .
               13 ir John Lo RougeteD  ■ t
                  Irtjn ri'v.Si
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