Page 344 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 344

332                       Records oj Bahrain

                                                                No.2643-16 of 13G7.
                                         CONPIDKNTIAL.          Offico of the Adviser to
                                                                the Government, Bahrein
   I                                                            Dated, 15th DulhaJ, 1367
                                                                   October 18, 1048.
                                         Il.B.M's Political Agent,
  t                                      Bahru In.
                                         Memorandum: -
                                                1 enclose a coj y of an Ahlan which has
                                         been issued by Ills Highness's orders regarding
    !                                    Bahrain subjects acquiring foreign  nationality
   |;                                    documents v/hon outside Bahrain,    It has come
   li                                    to his notice that many hundreds of Bahrain
                                         subjects who go to Persia on route for Iraq
   ti                                    acquire Persian nationality papers on arriving
                                         in Persia which enables them to enter Iraq with­
                                         out delay or difficulty.    In vlow of the pro-
   II :                                  sent politicul situation between Persia and
                                         Bahrain this procedure appears to Ills Highness
    U                                    to bo dangerous.    The people who adopt this
                                         practice arc mostly bhias who are visitinG tho
                                         Holy Places in Iraq, they disembark in Persian
    l!                                   ports and then cross from Persia to Iraq,    ir
                                         a register of these people is kept by the Persian
    .  1                                 authorities it might bo orgued that many people
                                         from Bahrain are desirous of acquiring Persian
                                         nationality and, in fact, do so.
                                                                (SGD) C.D. HKbGHAVE,
                                                             Adviser to tho Government.

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