Page 340 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 340

328                       Records oj Bahrain

                                       Cypher/OTP                  Di!)l i\RT.:MlT/iI. DioTlVIHUTION
                                               FROM BiiHRglN TO l'UMKid OFFICE

                                       Ur. Gollov/oy,
                                       Ho. 191.                  D, 2,40.p.m. 30 th September 1948.
                                       30th l«ptember 1948.      R. 30th September 1948.
                                       Repeated to Tehran.

                                                iuldressed Vorelpn Office telegram No. 191 of
                                       Sopto whor 30th I’epeetcd for the information of Tehran.
                                                 Your tele^roiu No. 208.
                                                                                  v ...V,;/.
                                                 Sheik's main object in usking for written
                                       confinnotion is to use it in the event of internal trouble
                                       which might be stirred up by large Shiah faction of the
                                       local population. This would be most undesirable since
                                       it would immediately involve His Majesty's Government in
                                       internal affairs of the state. It is this which I wish
                                       to ovoid while at the same time giving Sheik friendly
                                                 Foreign Office please pass to Tehran as my
                                       telegram 1I0. 1.
                                                 [Repeated to Tehran,]

                                                 l^opy sent to i.iddlc Fast deoreturiot. ]


                                                                     in 'ip

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