Page 88 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 88

74                         Records oj Bahrain


                      14* The Advisor* as you know, has expressed the view
                 that the present agitation Is no more serious than any that
                 huo occurred in the past, that the young Bhl'io aro keeping
                 largQly aloof and that the loaders are people of much loos
                 repute than those who came to the fore in Shaikh Baa's time.
                 This is true ao far as I oan ascertain; but at the same
                 tine 1 think we must recognize that those wind-bag
                 journalists, with all their cliches, are demanding things
                  that a groat many of the more sober and responsible
                 citizens of Bahrain consider to be noooesaryi noono outside
                 the A1 Khalifah will publicly defend old-fashionod
                 absolutism, and so, for the time being, the 'national
                 leuders' are left with a monopoly of democratic prinoiplos*
                                     I have the honour to be,
                                  Your Excellency's obedient servant,

                                           (Jfv/, Wall)




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