Page 93 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 93

Representational government, 1954              79


                            INWARD 3AVINQ TELEGRAM

                              FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE

          Cypher/OTP                                     FOREIGN OFFICE AND
          By Air Mall              i            £       WHITEHALL DISthtgOTlON

          Mr, Burrows
          No, 59 Saving
          November 12f 1054,                  R, JO; 5 a, m< November 17f 1964,


                My telegram No, 600 - Constitutional Movement In Bahrain,
               The Ruler’s reply to the Higher Executive Committee's petition la
          contained In a Government notice Issued on November 8. The reply
          states briefly that establishment of a legislative council Is "not practicable"
          but that Government Is pursuing Impolicy of progress and Improvements In
          all departmental It appeals to people to cooperate and Ignore unofficial

                2.  Tto Iflgtor Executive Committee have retorted with a circular
          expressing surprise and disappointment at the refusal of the request for
          a legislative council and mistrust of the Government1? promises of reforms,
                3,  On November 8, on the occasion of the Prophet^ birthday- the
          Committee called a meeting winch was attended by several thousands of both
          communities. The principal /speakers were the sumo as In previous meetings
          reported In my despatch No. i(X) of October 26. Demand for legislative
          council was repeated and It was argued that such a council while being one
          way of securing reforms and adequate social services would not derogate from
          the Ruler's authority. One point emphasized was that a legislative council
          would break "monopoly" of Government purchases now held by Messrs. Charles
           Kendall and Company - the Intention no doubt being to dangle the prospects of
           lucrative business before loaal merchants. Positive action at tto meeting
          was confuted to collecting signatures on a mass "power of attorney" for
          eight delegates and collecting rupees for campaign funds. There was no
           revelation of plans for the next step.

                4. The Ruler was impressed by the suggestion that we made to him
           some time ago that the Government should give more publicity1 to its
           achievements and intentions and has instructed advisers to begin converting
           official gazette into something resembling weekly newspaper. Latest number
          for example contains notice mentioned In paragraph 1 above and announcement of
           Hammerstey's appointment as Assistant Commandant of the Police. But to is
           still opposed to announcement of fundamental reform of the Judiciary.
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