Page 89 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 89

Representational government, 1954             75


                                     STRIKE OP 1)-MIR MH TAXI DRIVERS . BUG
                                   drivers Ain) hadt.a.ce cohti factors ' drivers

                                       Although fcho otrlko bogan on
                                  September 25 anil two general meetings  were
                                  hold on the following days, It v/ao not until
                                  September 30 that any representative
                                  delegation of the otrikoro camo forward with
                                  formulated demands.
                                       2.     Thoy had previously asked
                                  Man our al Orayidh to oca tlio Adviser as a
                                  sort of intermediary, alleging that they
                                  wore afraid that if any of the strikers
                                  themselves come in they would be arrested.
                                  Hot much progress was made with
                                  Mansur al Orayidh oince had had no sort of
                                  authority, but lie did propose, on their,
                                  behalf, a three-months moratorium for the.'
                                  production of insurance certificates and
                                  the setting up of a Government scheme of
          z                       Third Party Insurance,
          ec                            3.     On September 30 a delegation of
          <                       four or five taxi and bus owners, headed by
                                  Mansur al Orayidh and Yusuf Injlnoor (who
          2                        owns six taxis) camo to the Adviser with
          h                        their grievances.
          2                             h.     They admitted the desirability
           z                       of Third Party Insurance and agreed that
           UJ                      any scheme for ensuring that adequate
           i                       compensation in the event of accidents was
           oc                      available must bo compulsory for all
           *                       drivers,   They objected, however, to being
                                   obliged to take out insurance with
                                   specif.led foreign firms, over whoso charges
                                   there was no control,   They proposed, as
           O                       an alter native, the ontablisluiiont of a
                                   fund to which all drivers who did not take
           O                       out ordinary Third Party Insurance should
           2                       contribute and which would constitute a
           i                       reserve for the payment of any damages
           O                       awarded against members in cases of
           Z                       accident.
                                        5.     The Ilulcr, :lu the meantime, had
                                   become extremely uneasy about the
                                   situation and wan insisting that something
                                   bo done.   The Adviser saw him the sumo
                                   evening and the I*lan Uo. u of 1374 was
                                   drafted, of which yon have a copy,    This
                                   in, la effect, an amendment of the Hahrnin
                                   Government1 a Third Party Insurance
                                   Ordinance which was applied by Queen's
                                   Regulation Ho. 2 of 1954.   It amends it
                                   in two respects, firstly, that the date for
                                   obtaining cortilfilca tou of Third Party
                                   Insurance from approved Companies is
                                   postponed until tho end of December, 1954
                                   and secondly, it makes it lawful for a
                                   driver to be insured in an Association to
                                   bo created before tho end of this year.
                                   Tho description of this Association —
                                   "Sunducj." - is vague in the extreme, but
                                   throo principles seem to be established by
                                   tho new Ordinance; firot, that Thii'd
                                   Party Insurance is compulsory (a driver
                                   must poooouu a certificate, either from
               II.E. tho
               Political Resident                                  /an .,,
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