Page 90 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 90
76 Records oj Bahrain
tin inournnoo company or from the "•jundini")
second, the "Sunduti" hiunL always retain
sufficient funds In hand to moot any
cluiui made by n member; and third, its
financial ndminintrn tion must l>o subject
to Uovornmont audit and supervision.
6. Few, if any of the drivers of
couruo ronlioo v/hut tho sotting up of
ouch an organisation will involve in tlio
way of actuarial work, accounting and
managomont. I think it extremely
unlikoly that a oatiofnotary organisation
can he achieved hy tho drivorn themselves
before tho ond of tho year, There in
thoreforo likely to he trouble uguin on
January 1, I undorutand, however, that
hinnour nl Orayidh io taking an activo z
interoot in tho scheme and if ho keeps it 5
up, something practical may he done. CC
7. It v/ill ho for consideration
whether Queen'o Regulation Ho. 2 of £
1956 ohould ho amended to include thin h
now alternative, hut in practice, tho
alternative malcoo very little difference s
to peroonn subject to our jurisdiction, z
cince extremely fov/ of them uro Ui
propriotoro or drivoro of taxis, huocn
or "taxi-Lorrios". E
0. Another point of difference
between the new Ordinance and tho old one UJ
lo that the new one putn the obligation
for taking out insurance on the ownern O
of motor vehiclen. Tlvls is of come h
importance locally since many taxis arc u
bought on the hire-purchase system by
their drivoro and though in law X
presumably the vendor remains tho owner o
until the final instalment is paid, in z
practice tho vendor passes tho obligation
to insure 1;o tho driver fro i the
beginning of the hire-purchase.
' tho
' (ii) abolition of tho tolls on the
i.iuhurrarj. bridge:
(iii) reduction of tho penalty for
cuuuing hurt by negligent
These have not been dealt with and as tho
taxis have returned to work, I
that tho drivers are satisfied for the
moment with having achieved the major
concession, but I do not doubt that wo
! shall hoar more of the demand to form a
(J.v;. i/Ahb)
October 11. 1 .