Page 37 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 37

Introduction of reformsy 1923               27

                t > •         (3).

                           with otudlod tacxtorutton-  T Co not aook tho
                       Wflir conduct but noraly to rofiopt tho cunni
              potat o ,.*&«*• I* nuot .bo rmoribarod that tfwn tho
              PolitI<?zl, Agent tullca of houooo burnt ho roolly now*
              rougjh buto of dato nutting that onai bo oonetruotod in one
              day-^, ybO ooouoltloo In oil azaountod to fivo doatho,
              probably tho roault of tho lndlaarlnlnata Arab firing
              into a crowded locality.

              3-     I woo ooxloua If pooalblo to got IUH«8« "Triad-
              to hahraln ag aoon ao poaolMo and go took tho roaponolbl»
              lljy; of dMropfclng tho nail otoanor though at ono tine* It
              lookal uo If rough aouthor would, proven t mo and my party
              froa embarking on hor* Portunntoly, tho vouthor abated end
              Z *po ablo to got nyaolfp one   Hrltich Of floor and ano oztra
              platoon, froa tho 15th Punjabi Uoglncait otatlonod at Dudhire
              on board IUI» U#R* "Vcirola" In tho oarly 0011111)5 of tho
              14th i:ay# Again unfortunately an aooldont to tho Varola**

              onglnoa node progress alow cvnd wo had to tranohip, still
              in fairly rough woathor, to -UM.S* "Triad" at ^Jahraln, not
              for jdhort of midnight* i:y bout thenka aro duo to Vao D«X#
              Coy* for this tiaoly aoalatonoo and to tlio Sanlor Naval
              Officer fpr tho oxoollont arranG'-Tnoiito mdo for tranohtpp^hi
              no and rry non fron tho "Varoia" to 1UM.3 "Triad?*, thereby
              roloaolng tho nail otoanor with tlio louot poaslblo delay*
              4*    On tlio nomins of tho ltfth, Major Daly, acoonpanlod
                  i     :
              by Ohalkh Haoad, ciaao off to 000 no and wo dioouneod tho
              situation* Doth woro ablo to aoouro no that tho Aloturbajo-
              ooq hud oor.ood with tho arrival of tho nor>-oiVwar* If
                                                                     • ;
              not lndood boforo, end tliat tho situation wiva well In
              hand* It ooanod to no Inodvioablo with only two dayo
                 • i-v..v
              loft to tho torralnatlon of tho long Kemasvm fast and with
                 • V- .O .-I.   ^   .
              tho two dayo of Id foativltiod broodlatoly following, to
       ‘li0 Prooouoo of thooo troppo at huhraln in no longer roqfuirod
          thoy rotum; : to miolilro In tlio oourao of this woefe.
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