Page 40 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 40
30 Records of Bahrain
arl jnoja .wind off n^iuopvomaqat no to wtiothor aiaitth
tx^l^gly^doalrj^ that oucu itfwara ifcouid bo pooeoeftod
by tho itollUpal Ag<mt and tho letter from hlmcolff vno
nooo^^’y. ,tp.. V<yzpy.o thla doubt l\o oae Uxovotoro writing
to WO . to dc^: Jhat?hq not only wlahod tho Political Agent
to have. puOU powpo but to uao thorn with npodai rofforonoo
tojBoOltlpuo poroono (fforolgnura) plotting ogalnnt hlo
rulo or ondoiv^ourlng to cow dioacnalona botwaan hhnoolff
end tho brltluh uovairaacnt or botwooa tho vnrlouo olaeooo
of tho ccu.mi4ty or clotting hatrod agalnat hlnacdff or
tho urltloh covomnonb oiaong auoh alnoaoo* I placed this
letter bpfpro ttmUdi *Iou at ny lntorviow on tho rooming
off UiO, J30th* told hin that both ho end I toow tliat thte
roprooontbd. tho opinion off both hlnaoiff and tlio Bahrain
public# r-nd naked hin to ol&a It* Ho ariKod for tlno to
oonjoldor# X louchod und ould wo all toou xfiiut this ooant
uj 1 than proceeded to oouaont on tho llttlo offfoot that
. * • i- 1 • ••
Golonol pwprf» wamlngo off ono yoar ago oppoarod to
havo hadron, flhatkh ,Iou,o ralndo X then wont an to explain
that tUo, orders relating to Uahruin rofbmo had ronixy
caianatod*, en thlo oooaelou, fron tho Dopartnmt off tho
r.oorotaj^r off atnto ffor lorolgn a rib Ira In London and wpo
poiiiapo oopothlng In tho naturo off a *bolt ffroa tlio t>lue^
oo ffar go $ho Political Agent, Huhraln, nycolff and ray
inaodiatq. prodooooopr* Golonol Trovor, woro eonoornodj
in foot I. )ind It In writing ffron ny prodoooaeor that ho
did not cruppoeo that anything In tho nature off Bahrain
roffqmo oouid ba noriouaiy attcaptod bofforo tho oloao off
tho pourdlng aannon and that It would probably doxoivo
on hba to toko auoh utopo na olgit bo noooaaary* * even
vunturod to hint that pooalbiy ovon tho oovornooot off
/.ndla had hardly boon prepared for tho drcvatlo prdoro
that had cono ffpop tho vory hlg^ioot <juartor« end that