Page 42 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 42
32 Records of Bahrain
iHfcorpoeafl with tho rcosxft that Abdul Aslm had ?{0rt hio with liio own rltfit lwnd and that tho oirouniotwioou
uoro not paralloll, I mis qulcflc to rotort "And uho,pray,
conquered bchroln for you and oaiiod you, on orphan nnd
a fugltivo* to tnko your aont uo Gliaiiih of Uchrain? And *ho0
all thono fifty five years, lias kept ivnd maintained you
horo ngulnot Tuxfcidh force and Persian fraud, internal and
external onouloo? Has it your groady, dloloyai tribesman
or tho liritloh oovonroantt And if now looking to tho good
of all in Its wiodon tho Dritloh Government adko you to
r.Kdso way for a younger and atrongor ruui u your or two bofor©
fsod calls you to hlnaulf, id thoro ony gross opproaoicn or
oruolty in tsuoh oonduott Does It not rathor nhow a kindly
oolloltudo for your'welfare ao noli aa that of y.-w oubjoots
In sotting you froo from tho craiotlos of this difficult
sind th nl&ooe 'llioro is no reason Why you should not
continue tq enjoy tho n«vno end dignity of challtb of Dubrala-
Sndood It io not our intention that fhalkh lion ad Chouldbo
othor than your fully enpoworod vakil wlio iu undor no
nooooaitybf consulting hia principal nny noro than ho
consults j\ny otherwise old greybeard in liohrain*# raiaildi
VUjc» howovor replied in hie cuotonary stylo tliat though ho
was absolutely at tho ordora of Govornnont, tliat though they
night cut hla throat or tlirovr him into tho sou, ho would not
willingly abdicate* • I ouid that In tliat ouoo no tiling rooulnod
for no to do oxoopt to consult my oovorrcnnnt, report tho
facto zmd. uric them whether they oopoworod no to sot flhalMi
froa aside forcibly; tlmt from tho tanour of tlio tologroao
ny linndof I had llttlo doiibt that they would lnstraot no
to do so, but that* ox abuud/into osutola, I would oonoilt
th«n#onoo again which would probably give him tliroo days
hi which to rofioot on tlio situation and dooldo vrtiothor it
vilcwr to go out of hla own froo will or bo removed, in