Page 39 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 39

Introduction oj reforms, 1923                29


              that X widhod him out or tho Ialnod by noon tho following
              day at tho latonfc ua<a uaooptod hla praraldo that ho would
              go* Ao a pattor or faatit ho loft tho oujuo night giving out
              that HJn haua rutjuirnd hlo proaunoo on urgent ami prooalng
              huolnooa* I undorfifcivnd that thin niaropronantotlorit failed
              to Convince anybody hi Uahrain* a copy of ray lotto* to tho

              uultoa of no^d* both in i*ig}ldh and In Aroblo flown* Appo©dl*
              XI to thio report# X trunt that It trill bo foujpl to neat tho
              cordltiouo laid down by tho Uaorgtary of atato ftor tho
                                                             ... ,j •* ,>«•
              Colonloa repeated to uo for* ny guldnnoo hy tho 3corotary
              of ntata for India In hid tolngran Ho *1044 dated \8tfy Woy«
              o.    ‘Xho nomlng of tha 13th puaood In purely offlolnl
              violta at which no bualnoaa wan dioouoaod* ttolkh •Xoa
              ouiiod on no at tho Agency at about 0 a«iu end hia call
              mxo rotumod by no at the Customs Pull ding a an soon ua

              over tho Aral)a Irvd liad tln» to proparo it for reception#
              At tho lottos* lutox*viu*.v it wwj however nmugoft that* in
              tho afternoon shaikhs Homd ;«n<l '«brtullwh Should return tp
              (lioouao y/lfch wo and tho political Ag>git tho occc run loat ions
              of which X was tho boaror fVozi »(la MaJoatyfo aovomnent
              no that OwlishvXoa night ho wall liubrwod of what it wo
              propoood to dlaouoa, boforo tho really loportrsit J^eyviow*
              which woo fixed fox* 0 A«L\« on tho 10 th May* took plapo*

              0#    X oonoldox* ttot It io lioxtUy noooonory for mo to
              troublo uovomaont with dotoilo of tho intern lnobl a
              conversations that enauod# I lind prepared aa n preliminary
              «nfl toot oano* a lottor fron Ctoatkh fIoa addressed to
              nyaQif which purpoi*tod to doaorlba what both ho wid X know
              woli to bo tlxo lnprouolon* both of tho rhalkh and of tho
              Bahrain public In general* as to tho poworo of tho Politlooi
              Agent to deport floroignora# In tho lottor Ghaibh •loa wont
              on to oay that ho \aiderotood ffloia pa tliut logoi doubts had
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