Page 38 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 38

28                       Records of Bahrain

                        fttttopt to oonaonoo rathor difficult unrt dollouto

                       :,jAagpWA-tlcpo4 Uy lmodlato proocnoo for tho quolllng
                       . ,of'fllatutfwiood \n>a uvttdontly not roqulrod imsi «ny
                        draatlo otapo on tho part of JUU'a Chip a would havo boon
                        .. .optli'olyi'cupoi'fioua. worn ovory point of view It ronnod
                         dpalrpblo to uiiow pnaulonu to oool down «nd mlndo to
                        . ootUo* I remained thoroforo on board H.lWO* •iriatf*
                         In olooo uad lmodlato touoh with tho political « gont
                         on phoro end with froquent violto Cron him# until tho
                         avontng of tho 10th* Yhio inactivity and departure from
                         prooodont - for prooodont lnoloto tluit tho shaikh of

                         tyahrain aliould ulthJLn tho flrot 04 hourn of tho political
                         Iiooldont'o arrival# proceed and puy his roapooto to bin -
                         had tho unoypooted off opt of ouuoing oorio thing liko a
                         jwnio o^tong tho Ai-Khallfu fcciily imd tho lnbabltoato of
                         Ochrain* I aua (lo Inc no tiling end thoy could not lmagino
                         tfwt X \x\o doing* Shnilli •lea frequently attempted to
                         got off to 000 mo# going 00 far uo to Ramiro no that tho

                         fuot nado no diffornico# bu* \ put him off with polito
                         aoaoagu^ paying tlmt although 1 me no urudoua to ooo
                         hln ao ho waa^ U0Q no# 1 wuo tlio horror of important
                          coiBSinlot^icmo from ny (iovornoont to hhaoolf and pruflorred
                          to     until lila mind ahould bo oonplotoly froo fron tho
                          prlvatlona of tho oacrod month and tho onuulng footlvitleo*
                          vhlo loiauro aloo enabled mo to propuro and havo rotidy

                          again at ny loading# my ooxanunioatlon to tho sultnn of
                          Hojd regarding tho oonduot of hla Agont# Abdulla Al-Qd^tbi

                          Abdulla uuo aont for that oaao ovanlng* I took 0 ^*7 cnr^
                          and haughty tono with him# rofuaing hla profforrod end
                          and merely paoolng tho lottor to liia with tho raaofk
                          "ihla la for your mfiotori road. It* • When ho had fin!oh
                          ito poruool# I aofcod hln If ho had fully mentored ita
                                                         afflmotlvo# I thorn eald
                          contents and ho ropliod In tlio
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