Page 41 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 41

Introduction of reforms, 1923                31

                          mot eodoawur to roa&lao that ho woo roally
                        to a oarloUn oouroo of rofloro* i tola hla that
              tho JuyioaifitlcStii latter wan a qottor of no Inportcnco*
              thot'thta pottoro would probably bo (;rantod uhothor ho
              wldhdd’lt C? no* end that I had boon lnotyuotod by tho
              oovttftlEKait of India to apply officially for tho grant of
              eruah pdttara •* a noacuro In wiiioh I tfiould liavo tholr full

              oupporfe with tho iicoo covoirawut* - and that I had not
              boon lAObmotaf. to oonnult thoildi •loa on tho dubjoot* I
              rood ovor to him suitable outraata fron vlooroyfo toiogxnn
              4715-3 ddfcod 17th April 10123, oopoalally tho paddngo " Po
              chall back hln up iln carrying out rofornu0 concluding
              with mot bo prepared to onforoo roforaa ouroolvoo**
              I uasnofl Uhalldj *Xoa that thla no<«it a porpotuul ntrugglo
              with tho triboa* with tho nenbaro of hla own fanliy*
              notably: hla own ulfo*. and unooaaing vigil moo to provent
              volapuo* I told hfca frankly that hla oondaot with rogard
              to tho Deportation hotter* hlo troataont of tho Kvwnch

              J^ootrlo HOhooo* hla ollly nlotruofc of tho ocployncnt
              of old iron rail a by tho Politico! Agent to otrangthen
              local brldgoa* hlo allowing tflfo to bante or Uiry a
              aura of Kci#IVjo/» dally fron tho Daliraln Cuatono revenue,
              inrtloatad to no olearly that ho vrao not tho non, at

              oovonty five, yoara of ago - if indood ho over woo • to
              onto? upon tho ardnouo tac& of rofom end urgod hln to
              otund noido o^d Rlvo hlo holr-appurcmt an untlrcdy froo
              hand* I draw a purallaix botwoen ouch a otato of affuiro
              and tho cnvlojblo pooltlcn of Abdur Hainan bln i^lail of
              Riyadh* oho ooauplod lilnaolf with hla agrtailtural
              proportion ond preparing for hlo lottor and# while Jilii
               oon* Abdul Asia* bora all tho.hoat and burden of tho day*
               X cmld tliat X had novo? hoard that Abdul Itohpna had .over
               suffered in reputation or dimity* caioihh hero
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