Page 121 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 121

‫ﻙ‬         ‫ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺎﻫﺪﺍﺕ ﻭﺍﻟﻮﺛﺎﺋﻖ ﻭﻛﻴﻔﻴﻪ ﺍﺳﺘﺨﺪﺍﻣﻬﺎ ﻛﻤﺼﺎﺩﺭ ﻟﻠﺒﺤﺚ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﺭﻳﺨﻲ‬


                                  21 April 1866

          [C. .‫ﺕ‬Aitchison, comp٠, Collection o‫ ﺇ‬Teaties (1933, 5th ed.), ol. 11, p. 206]

          Lotal ibe١ in league with ‫ ﺩ‬branch ٥f the        of friendsbip between Imaum .Abdullah bin
          Wahabis in ١365 plundered Britih proepr‫ﺍ‬y        Fysul and the Bitish G٥vernnment;
          at tbe opt ٥f Sur, t٤٤hnically owing allegiance
          t٥ Ma‫ﺕﻭ‬at٠Britis prote٤١٥-and ٨٥٧al ation           Second!y.-I ‫ﺓ‬ssur٥ the Resident in the
          -hnally eicited a promisory statem٤٨٤ {om        Persian Gulf on tbe part ٥f Imaum Ab.
          'Abdallah bin Faysa٧ h٥wh‫ﺃ‬a, d ju‫ﺩ‬t 5uc٤eeded    dullah bin Fysul that he will ٨٥t ٥ppose or
          to the !e٠٠!٦٠rsh٨i٤p :h١٧ S1'udi anirate, tlat  injure B٣itisl sub‫ﺯ‬ccts rcsidin; in terri.
          his sub‫ﺯ‬ett5 would efrain froa interfering       tories under the authority of Abdullah bin
          wit Biith interest٥ in the ar٤5٠ Aitthison,      Fysu‫ ;ﺍ‬and ٠

             ٠٥‫ ﻡ‬٠٤i, p. 2٥١-٥9١H;, St. ], Pbilby, Sa'udi      Tid‫ﺍ‬yI assure the Reident in the
          ٨r‫ﺰﻣ‬5‫<ﻩ‬h,aps, ٦٥                                 Persian Gulf on the part ٥f Imaum Ab.
                                                           dullah bin Fsul that he il١ n٥t injure or
          I, Mahomed bin .1bdullah bin Maneh, am           attack; the territories of the Arab tribes in
          ea‫ﺍ‬in on the following points :
                                                             lliance with the British Government, spec٠‫ﺝ‬
             I ٥m authoried by lmaum Abdullah bin           ially on the ingdom ٥f .:{usat. f٥urther
          Fysul to re٩٧es٤ the Sahib, the Resident          than in recciving the 2٧at that has been
          in the Persian Gu‫ﺇ‬f, ٤٥ become the medium         customary of old.
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