Page 117 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 117

‫ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺎﻫﺪﺍﺕ ﻭﺍﻟﻮﺛﺎﺋﻖ ﻭﻛﻴﻔﻴﻪ ﺍﺳﺘﺨﺪﺍﻣﻬﺎ ﻛﻤﺼﺎﺩﺭ ﻟﻠﺒﺤﺚ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﺭﻳﺨﻲ ﺃ‬

158 Dptot٨c٧ 1٦ Tu٤ .‫ﺃ‬٤٨R ٨٧٥ AfootE E٨sr

the territor; of F٢arsor Firnan. the Rule        I. Te properies ٥f Pe٣٤ian merchants
of Bender٠'.Abbas shall not eercise any
                                                 impounded in ishm shall be entirely and
cont٢٥l ٥٣ iterierenee therein.
   And if it be that t٢٥٥ps, ٥n the part of      totally relea٤ed and delivered ٤o their rep

the ealted Government [٥i Persi‫]ﺩ‬, be ٥n         re٤ent٥tives, who shall give reeipts on de.
their way t٥ the countries of he Bulush
(Belooches). or any other parts, passing the     liery oi their goods.
irontiers ٥f Bender.'Abbas, then the Rulers
٨wh٥ may be [ating] on your part hall            I. ٤‫ﺃ‬om the teno١٤ of wh٤t the mer­
 ‫ﻱ‬iee them proevisions anhd a guide tfor
he‫ﺩ‬ven٠assisted [Persian] forces, taking         chants, subjects of the cralted Gove٢nn١٥٨t
irom them ٥ receipt, They shall ender
                                                 of Persia, have repre٤ented, that iormerly
them requisite ٤eices٠٥5 also the subjects
(Ri'aya) of fina and Shemil, and of those        one ٥f the Baniyans (Banians), wh٥

parts which, in the space ٥f the last tw٥        farmed the dues ٥f the Bayy oi .IIasgat
ea٢5٠ hae se٢٧ed the e٢alted Goernment
in fidelity, ad are kno٦wn to His Highness       (fuscat), had ome one on his par٤, who
the m0٤t sacred and holy,
                                                 reided in Bender-'.Abbas, ٥ver the com­
   Fomr this day forward, the Ruler of
                                                 mercial efiects belonging to the ubjects of
Bender٠'Abbas hall n٥t turn against them
any evidence, ٥r s٥٥;k to ca٧‫ﺃ‬il against them    the ealted Covernment ٥i Ian, which

٠٠٦ ٤٠!١ ١jec٤‫ﺍ‬٤: !:on٠‫ﻯ‬٠ e ti e. !ike‫ﺯ‬٠r        were carried from Bender-'Abbs to India
   :II. If any ٥ne of the subjects ٥f Fars
                                                 and other parts, and who used to collect
 should urn awa٧ and ٨ee to the said fron­
 tiers, and join you, [then.] on the mere        from them the          ta.‫ﺍ‬Iucs duties, &c., at

 indiration ot his most sacred Highness the      Bender-'Abbas, .And that, in all countries

 Goer٨٥٢٠Genera], the fugities shall be          [towns], and with all Governr‫ﺃ‬ents. this
 delieered ٥er to him.
                                                 custom [due] does not exist [that], a thing
    III. The regular r٥٧e٨٧e and the on­
 or٥ir٧١ a٢e 14.000 tomans ; in this wise:       which does n٥t nter he o١١٠٢١٢٧town],
 the reen٧e is 12.000 tomans, and the ١on.
 orarium 2,00 tomans, in ٥veyr year; this        ihey [shuuid] take tithes thereirom. And

 being paid in four instalments, delivered,      this is contrayr to the ule and the Iaw;
 and receipts shall be given to all the Rulers.
                                                 indeed, it is an eident innovation [that]

                                                 property which does not ٥nter the countyr

                                                 [town] should be made liable to tihes. It

                                                 is necessayr that His Highness the Imam

                                                 hould do away with this innovation alto­

                                                 gether. And whosoever introduces conm­

                                                 mercial efiects into Bender-'Abbas from any

                                                 places henceforward, let them deliver up the

                                                 tithes [thereof] in like manner as t٥٥k

                                                 place in the time of Seyf, son ٥f fihnan,

                                                 not m٥re.
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