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          tlio arms without ft previous roforonoo to tho Residency; and tlio orders of
          Qovornmont must bo obtained before the matter is finally disposed of. In tho
          moontimo the Sboikh is informed that tlio arms are in bis charge, and ho must
          cloarly understand that bo is responsible for them, and had bettor give a receipt
          for thorn to tlio owner as soon as ho can, a copy bcing,scntto mo. It rests with
          him to arrango for tlio safe custody of tlio rooms in which the arras arc stored.
          I was prepared to affix the Residency seals on the doors, if tlio Sheikh thought
          that this would add to their security, but as it is stated that there is othor property
          of Mr. Eracis’ in the godowns, which may have to bo removed, thoro would bo no
          advantago in soaling tlio doors till this is done. If Mr. Eracis wishes tho Resi­
           dency to interfero in his behalf, ho should appeal in writing against the action
           of tho Sboikh and should produco tho original concession which ho says he holds.
          Ho should also state definitely in his application what arms he has iu his godowns
          and what ho thinks have beou removed. Ho mentioned vorbally to me this morn­
           ing thatsomoof his arms had been stolen, but ho should do this in writing if lio
           wishes tho matter takon up and should givo full particulars and proofs. He is
           also warned that unnecessary delay in submitting his claim should bo avoided,
           and may go against him.
                                                        M. J. MEADE,
              The 6th February 1898. 1        Folitical Resident, Fcrsian Qulf.
                   Bahrein ;

                         Dated tko 27th Ramzan 1315=lUth Fobruary 1898.
                 From—Sheikh Esa-din Am A’l Kiialifau,
                 To—Colonel M. J. Meade, Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf.
              After compliments.—I was honored by the receipt of your ostocmcd lottor,
           dated Iditli instant (6th February 1898j, on the subjeotof tho arms* godowns
           of Mr. Eracis.
              You intimated that, according to your views, those godowns should
          remain undor my ohargo and protection until I received your instructions; that
           I should tako an invontory of tho arms and pass a recoipt for thorn to Mr.
          Eracis; that I should send you a copy of tho invontory, and that I should tako
           requisite steps to protect the goflowns against theft.
              In reply, I havo the honour to inform you that, in obedicuco to your orders*
          I havo taken possession of the existing stock of arms in tho prosonco and with
           tho knowlodgo of Mr. Eracis, who also prepared a list of them liimsolf; and
          have also passod him a receipt for tho total number of tho arms pending
          receipt of your orders.
              I oncloso hero with a copy of the detailed list of the arms seized.

                         Dated Iho 2nd Shavvnl 1816=23rd Fobruary 1808,
                 From—Sliaik Esa-din An A'l IChalifah,
                 To—Colonel M. J, Meade, Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
              After compliments.—I beg to inform you regarding tho arms imported into
           Bahroin, namely, that tho importation was carried on undor the concession
           granted by mo to my favourite, Abdur Rahman-bin-Abdul Whab. Tho ooncos-
           Sion- was . g^ratod undor oortain conditions which I stipulated with him, ono of
           thorn being that ho shall not soli arms to the people of Bahrein, or to those of
           lCntr, or to those of tho Arabian maiulaud, but only to the pooplo of Oman.
           And tho concession was to remain iu force provided ho abided by that condition]
              Subsequently ho transforrod tho concession to Agha Mohamod Raliim-
          bin-Abdun Nabi, who bound himvsolf to abido by that condition. In tho mean­
           time I found that tho said conoossion had boon transferred to Mr. Eraois and
           that arms woro being imported in succession and sold to pcoplo to whom tho
          salo was prohibited, and to my onomios, both presont and absont.
              *^6r0fr roaoVJd°d tho concession and ordored tho said Abdur Rahman
          to oousidor it oaucollcd from tho mouth of Dil Rada 1314s April 1897, and in
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