Page 109 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British interests and influence, 1898-1904       99

          ho probably did know. I cannot remember that I ever   roported tlio mattor to
          Colonel Wilson.
                                                       J. 0. GASKIN.

                                                    Boforo me>
                     Busiiiiie;                         M. J. MEADE,
              The 12lh November 1898.          Political Pendent, Persian Qnlf%             I'll

                  Examination of Mu. J. P. Seqdeiha, Uncovonnntcd Assistant Rosidont.
              g)#__Agha Mohamed Rahim stated yesterday that you had addressed him
          about the sottlcmont of the arms sold by him for Mr. Eraois and that ho had
          sent you a statement of them ?
              A.—What happened was that Mohamed Khalool, tlio Agout’s noplicw,
          camoto mo in tho summer of 1896, and asked me to arbitrate between them and
          tlio firm of Erne is Times in tho settlement of (hoir old accounts at Bushiro. I
          agreed, but did not inform Colonel Wilson, tho Resident. It had nothing to
          do with arms, but referrod to a question about tho roraoval of some sugar
          from the Customs IIouso. Agha Mohamod Rahim was tho local Agent of
          Messrs. Eracis Times & Co., and the Hamal Basi said ho had romoved the goods,
          which Mohamod Rahim domed, saying they had boon romovod by tho Hamal
          Bashi, Af tor wards, when Eracis Times agreed to my mediation, Mohamed
          Rahim said ho would liko tlio question of tho arms which had been imported
          into Bahroin also included iu tho settlement. I told him tho two accounts
          wero distinct, and that ho should not withhold settling tho arms account if ho
          wished tho others settled. I told him that if ho did not rouder tho now
          accounts ftlio arms) Mr. Eracis would take logal proceedings, and I advised
          him to scud the arms accounts to Mr. Eracis. Tho arms accounts were sent
          through mo.
             This was in tho beginning of 1897.
              Q.—Did you know that Agha Mohamod ltahim was acting as Eracis
         Times’ Agent for the importation of arms to Bahroin ?
             A.—Yes, I knew it.
              Q.—Did you know that Mr. Ducat had written in July 189G to Mr. Eracis
          saying that tho Residency did not approvo of his engaging in tho arms trade
          to Bahroin ?
             A.—I knew of it subsequently; but not at tho time. I think I knew of it
          at the end of 1890.
              Q.~Did you evor inform Colonel Wilson that tho Residency Agent  was
          acting as Eracis Times' agent at Bahrein for tho importation of arms ?
             .^•—No, I never mentioned it to Colonol Wilson ; but I romombor mon-
         tioning^it to Mr. Ducat. I cannot say if Colonel Wilson knew anything about

              Q'—;Havo you ovor had anything olso to do with Messrs. Eracis Times’
         commercial undertakings ?
             A.—No, nothiug wlmtcvor. I merely intorfored, bccauao the Agont’s
          nephow askod mo to help thorn, and bccauso Mr. Eracis was a friond of mine
          i’know nothing further.
                                                      J. P. SEQUERA,
                                                      Boforo mo,
                  Busuihe;                               M. J. MEADE,
            The 12th November 1898»  I    Political Resident, Persian Oulf,
            204 f. d.
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