P. 421

CHAPTER         XII.

    Proposed Survey of the Red Sea—Lord Valentia and Captain Keys—Resump-
      tion of the Survey by Lieutenants Court and Maxfield—Survey of the China
      Seas by Lieutenants Ross, Maughan, and Crawford—Services of Lieutenant
      Court,  first  Marine Surveyor-Geueral  in Bengal—Surveys by  Lieutenant
      Maxfield—Examination of the East Coast of Africa by Captain Smee and Lieu-
     tenant Hardy—Death of Captain Court and Appointment of Captain Ross as
      Surveyor-General in Bengal—His Resignation and Appointment of Captain
      Lloyd—Surveys by Lieutenants Dominieetti and Collinson—Survey of the
      Persian Gulf by Lieutenants Maughan, Guy,  Bracks,  Haines, and  other
    SINCE the cessation of all sm-ve^ys  in the  j-ear 179o, when
        Lieutenant Hayes returnetl tVom his voyage in tiie Eastefii
    Archipelago, the ships of the Bombay Marine were  fully oc-
    cupied against France and her allies  ;  but on the conclusion of
    the peace of Amiens, which proved so short and hollow, the
    surveys were resumed, and, notwithstanding the risk encountered
    by the olHcers of the Service, in prosecuting  their researches,
    risks  of no imaginary  descri])tion,  as some  of tliem were
    captured while so engaged, and languished for a length of time
    in French dungeons,  such was  the ardour  inspiring  these
    gallant votaries of science, that no sooner were they released
    than they resumed their labours, while others of their brother
    ofHcers  eagerl}^ volunteered their services  for the dangerous
    but honourable task of Itenefitiiig mankind by majjping out the
    unknown seas of the Eastern hemisphere.
      The only chart in existence of the Kcd Sea was drawn by
    Lieutenant Robert White, of the Marine, who,  in  the year
    171)5,  when  in command  of the Hon.  Company's  cruiser
    ' Panther,' proceeded to Suez, making a cursory examination
    of  its  shores.  In the year  18U2-3, Lord  Valentia,*  while
    travelling in the  East, was a guest of Lord  W'ellesKiy's at
    Calcutta, and proposed to his lordship to end)ark  in one of the
    Company's  cruisers on a voyage to  the Red  Sea,  *•  for the
      * "Voyages  and  Travels  to  India,  Ceylon,  the  Red  Sea.  Abyssinia,
    and E"ypt,  iu  iy02-G, by  George,  Viscount  Valentia."  3  vols,  i Loudon,
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