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aiivl the 'Princess AuftMista ' returned to Mocha where she cast
anchor on the loth of June. Important despatches having
arrived trom Suez for India on the 18th, the cruiser again
sailed for Bombay on the 21st of June. On the same day the
'Panther' sailed for Massowah, taking with her Mr. Salt, accom-
panied by Captain Rudland, a Mr. Carter,* Pearce, a seaman,
and seven attendants, who proceeded on an exploring mission
into Abyssinia.
The 'Panther' arrived at Massowah on the 2.Sth of June,
and, on the 2()th of July, the travellers started from Arkeeko
on their journey ; the cruiser, on the following day, returned to
Mocha, where she cast anchor on the llJth of August. On the
10th of September the ' Panther ' sailed to continue the survey of
the opposite coast, and, on her return to Mocha, in the latter ])art
of the month, the ship's comjjany were instrumental in saving
the town from being burnt down. On the -ith of November,
embarking Lord Valentia, Lieutenant Coiu't sailed again for
Massowah, which was reached on the 7th of November, when
Mr. Salt and his party came on board, having only that day
arrived, after successfully accomplishing the journey to Antalo,
the capital of the Rus, or ruler, of Tigre, of which an account
may be found in Lord Valentia's work. The ' Panther' sailed
on the 14tli of November, but, after a narrow escape from des-
truction, when she lost four anchors, was forced to return
to Massowah ; here the cutter's crew, under Mr. Denton, got
into a collision with tlie natives, and the long boat, armed
with wall-pieces, under Lieutenant Crawford, was sent to their
assistance. There was a brisk exchange of firing, in which the
guns of the 'Panther' took part. ()n the L'.sth she sailed for
Port Mornington, and thence proceeded to .liddah, where she
arrived on the 9th of December. Having received anchors, and
provisions and water, of which he was in much need. Lieu-
tenant Court sailed on the 2iid oi" January. l.SOd, for Suez.
where he arrived on the 2tiih of daiiiinry. On the iUh of
February Lord Valentia linally (piitted the 'Panther,' and,
with many regrets, his lordship i)i(l adieu to Lieutenant Court,
"whom," he says, "I could not but love and esteem, ami the
other officers whose conduct had been certainly meritorious,
and towards me iniilomdy kind and allentive. Il was ;i pain-
* This gt'iiUcnian souii after took tin- sitiisitioii of siiin'n-urgo on board tlio
American ship ' Kssex,' and was niurdorod witli all Iho Kimi|M>ans bv »omo
pirates, the instigator of the deed, one Seul :\Ioliannned Akd, wlio had fortiliod
the island of (Jamaran near Luheia, seutlling the ship after he had Uken oul t)»o
treasure, amounting to IJO,OiKi dollars. The erui^en* 'Mornington' and
'Ternate' were sent from ISombav to seize him, and drive him and lii» nllifs, tho
French, from Camaran, but he had limelv intelligence of their destination, ami
quitted' the island demohshing the defensive works. Teareo, on the other iiand,
did well, and rose to place and power in Abyssinia. Ho wrote, on tho
28th of February, I8lt), to Cajitaiu Court, un account of his position an«l