Page 357 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
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       Abassids, Bahrain under, 64              Archeological sites: map of, 26;
       Abbas, Yahya bin, 66                       list of, 295-305. See also
       Abu Dhabi, 174                             Excavations; Sites
       Abulfeda, 87-88                          Archeology: and settlement patterns,
       Achaemenids, 54                            xvi; and land use, xvi; multi­
       Adams, R. McC., xvi, xvii, 202,            disciplinary approaches to, xvi
         243, 247, 251, 270, 273, 275;          Ardashir I, 58-59, 84
         TeU Abu Sarifa, 269, 271               Aristobulus, 55, 83
       Agriculture, 10-11, 23, 64, 87-90;       Arrian, 55
         de-emphasis of, 101; in first          Artesian springs: from Khobar
         millennium B.C., 83-85; potential        limestone, 138, 195; location
         for, 187-91                              of, 132,181
       Ahlamu, 51                               Artesian system, archeological
       'Ain Qannas, 25; prepottery levels         evidence for, 137
         at, 76. See also Excavations           Artesian water: potentiometric
       Alba (Aluminium Bahrain), 8,10             surface of, 133-34, 138; salin­
       Albuquerque, Afonso de, 67                 ization of, 133
       Alexander the Great, 55                  As four, T. al-, 141, 174-75, 179
       Allan, W., 188-90, 197-99                Assurbanipal, 53-54, 99
       Alland, A., Jr., 197                     Assyria, 53-54
       Alluvial fans, 192                       Artifacts, index, 25
       Alluvial terraces, 152-53                Atabegs of Fars, 66
       American Scandinavian Foundation,        Austrian Academy of Sciences, 172
         xix                                    Awal, 62. See also Bahrain
       Amorite tablet, 234, 244                 Axumite kingdom, 58-60
       Antioch, ceramics of, 259, 261,          Ayub, Mohammed, xx
         270                                    Babylon, 50, 52, 54
       Antiochus HI, 57                         Bahrain: distribution of popu­
       Aquifers, 16-17; Alat, 195; Khobar,        lation of, 8; dome, 151; Gulf of,
         119, 136; late Pleistocene,              121, 171; hydrologic system of,
         recharge of, 17,133; Umm er-             17; island, 62; islands, 5-6;
         Radhuma, 134, 153                        ridge, 122
       Arabia, Sasanian population of           Bahrain Petroleum Company, 8
         east coast of, 63                      Bapco (Bahrain Petroleum
       Arabian coast, environmental               Company), 8,125
         systems of, 114                        Barbosa, Duarte, 68

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