Page 361 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 361
Pearl fishery, control of, 71 Ranjapur HA, 231, 237
Pearls: Achaemenid import of, 55; Rank-size rule, 100
export of, from Dilmun, 35; for Ras Hayyan, 175-76
Hormuz, 67; in Parthian period, Ras Tanura, 139, 141
85; Tylos' trade in, 56 Renfrew, C., 103, 110, 114
Persian coast and Bahrain, 66 Resources: gas, 9, 16; land,
Persian Gulf seals, 233-34 10,14; soil, 11; water, 8,
Petroleum, 8-9 10-11, 14, 16
Piesinger, Conni, xx, 146, 200 Ridley, A.P., 122, 175
Pliny, 55-56 Roaf, M., xix, 24, 43, 74, 76, 98,
Polanyi, K., 103 200,295
Population: average size based Rus formation, 117,162
on tombs, 46; Barbar II period, Sargon H, 52
191, 197, 201-2; density of, Sasanian empire, 59-60
192, 196; distribution of, 8, Sayari, S.S. al-, 141-42, 171-72,
12,14; geoarcheological view 177
of, 200-207; growth of, 195, Sealand: formation of, 50; revolts
199; housing of, 13; of Qala'at by the, 52
al-Bahrain, 201; recent growth of, Sea levels, 153, 168-77; of Arabian
12, 207; stability of, 199; Gulf, 182; and Flandrian transgression,
third millennium, 43 179; glacioeustatic, 180; and glacio-
Ports: Charax Spasinu, 57; isostatic rebound, 180; and Holocene
Gerrha, 57; Siraf, 65 moisture patterns, 185; record of,
Portuguese, influence of, 67-69 for Kattegat Sea, 180, 182; and
Pottery. See Ceramic assemblages; Qatar Peninsula, 173-74; spring
Wares level changes with, 194; and Wlkrn
Potts, D., 222 glaciation, 172
Powers, R.W., 171 Sea water, desalinization of, 16
Qala’at al-Bahrain, 32, 34, 68-69, Sediment analyses, 155-60
77-78; Barbar I levels at, Seeley, M.W., 122
232- 33; Barbar n levels at, Seljuks, 65-67
233- 44; buildings at, 55, 68, Sennacherib, 52, 83
80; Kassite period occupation Seth, S.K., 184
at, 249; Late Islamic levels at, Settlement: Barbar, 78-80; early
289, 292; record of higher sea agricultural, 188; Early Islamic,
level at, 176; Pre-Barbar levels 85, 87; geologic controls on,
at, 216-22; geologic setting for, 112,114,132; Late Islamic
132, 176-77; as market center for period, 88; medieval period, 87-88;
Dilmun, 98; Persian Gulf seals Neo-Assyrian to Achaemenid, 81-83;
at, 234; population of Barbar Neo-Babylonian through Parthian,
13 city at, 48-49, 201; silver 137; primate pattern of, 100;
smith’s hoard from, 255; weights rank-size of, 100-101; tomb fields
found at, 35 and, 43; ’Ubaid
Qanat, 192, 204; introduction of, Settlement patterns, xvi, xvii, 10,
85; medieval period, 88, 205 92, 96, 100
Qatif: irrigation of, 136; Early Sgraffiato, 276-77
Dynastic evidence from, 200 Shah Abbas, 69
Rang Mahal, ceramic assemblage Shapur n, 59-60, 84
from, 245