Page 362 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 362
Shar-i-Sokhta, 41 Thlhen, J.H. von, 92, 94-95;
Shedgum plateau, 148 land use, 95, 98
Shia villages on Bahrain, 62 Tleel, J.W., 142
Singh, G., and others, 146,182 Tombs, 24, 40, 43-46; and
Siraf: and competion with Bahrain, 85; burial cults, 48-49; Barbar
development of, 65 period, 78, 153, 188
Sites: Abassid period, 85; al- Trade: in copper, 35, 40; effects
Markh, 29-31, al-Wasmiyah, 168-69; of external, 104, 107, 206;
flint, 27-29; late Neolithic and with Magan, 37; materials of,
early Protohistoric, 74; Sasanian, 34;
84; 'Ubaid, 74, 76 with Meluhha, 37; Neo-Assyrian,
Smith, C.A., 100,103 203; Neo-Babylonian, 203;
Soil zones and types, 189, Palmyrene, 57; parallels, 38-
191, 194-95 43;
Spatial analysis, 4 pearl, 35; Ptolemaic, 56; Sas-
Springs: fluctuations of, sasian, 60-61. See also Mari
136-37; tidal fluctuations in time trade
level, 139; archeological Tribal groups: Arab, 59; Ghuzz,
evidence for, 137; fall in 65; Sunni and Shia, 62; trade
level, 136; distribution about controlled by, 70
faults, 123. See also Water Tribute, Carmathian, 64
levels Turban handles, 273
State formation, 2, 5 TVlos, Bahrain as, 49-50;
Strabo, 56 ceramics associated with,
Stratigraphy: eolian, 155; 251-52; description of, 56
Tertiary, 115-20; at Qala’at 'Ubaid, 76
al-Bahrain, 176,181, Quater Umayyads, 63
nary lacustrine, 155; Quater Umm an-Nar: ceramics associated
nary of Bahrain, 155-69 with, 221, 229, 237; tombs at,
Street, J., 197 40-41
Sumerian myths, Dilmun in, 78 Umm er-Radhuma formation, 115,
Sumner, W., xvi 162
Surface runoff, 149 University of Petroleum and
Susa, ceramics from, 221, 225, 243 Minerals, 172
Tabari, 185, 204 Ur: ceramics of, 222, 253; trade
Tang Dynasty, trade with, 63 with, 35-36
Tarawneh, Fayez, xx Ur-Nammu, 34
Tavoliere, 190 Uruk, Early, 146; lack of ceramic
Taylor, 174, 177 evidence, 77; settlement patterns
Tekriti, Abdul-Kader al-, xx at, xvi
Temperatures, 11 Us fur ids, 66
Temple, Barbar: ceramics of 209, Uyuni, Abdullah al-, 65-66
245-48, 271; located near Uyunid Dynasty, 66
faults, 132 Valleys, submerged, 171
Tepe Yahya, 41, 214 Villages: central place location
Terraces, submerged, 171 of, 108; primate pattern of, 100;
TTiammud, tribe of, 51 rank-size hierarchy of, 100
Thaj, ceramics from, 255, 257, Waage, F.O., 259, 270
259, 261, 263, 269