Page 360 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
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                      Land: abandonment of, 20-22, 90;            Mesopotamia, 50; Bahrain's link
                        arable area, 191; competition               with, 56; estimated grain yields
                         for, 12-13                                 of, 190; Kassite, 51; Neo-Assyrian
                      Land tenure, 22-23                            and Neo-Babylonian, 53-54
                       Land use, xvi, 10; ceramic                 Moesgaard Museum, xix, 295
                         assemblages and, 74; concentric           Mohenjo-Daro, ceramic assemblage
                         zones of, 92-96; crops and, 199;            of, 245
                         decrease in, related to trade,            MOrner, N.A., 180,182
                         109-10; limits to, 188-192;               Mortensen, P., xvi, xix, 245-47
                         model for, 104; and monsoon               Musandam Peninsula, 270
                         rainfall, 185; peak periods of,           Nabonidus, 49, 53-54,
                         on Bahrain, 99; periods of                Nabopolassar, 53
                         195-207 and population growth,            Nicator, Seleucus, 185
                         196; processes of, 114                    Nicholson, S.E., 185
                       Landsat, 125, 145                           Narim-sin, reign of, 34
                       Landsberger, B., xvii                       Nearchus, 55
                       Lane, A., 287, 289                          Nebuchadnezzar n, 53-54
                       Leigh, E., 144                              Necropolis, Bahrain as a,
                       MacKay, E., 31, 187-88                        31, 188
                       Magan, 33, 36                               Neogene complex, 120
                       Maliki, Sheikh Ibrahim al-, 67             Nestorian church, 59, 84;
                       Manama: as market center, 88,              Niebuhr, Carsten, 61, 70
                         95; distribution of springs              Nippur, ceramic assemblage of,
                         about, 113; distribution of                 219, 259, 263
                         population about, 8-9; dis­              Ndldecke, T., 185
                         tribution of villages about,             Nomads, raiding by, 51
                         113                                      Nummulites, 119
                       Marcellinus, Ammianus, 60                  NUtzel, W., 179
                       Marine terraces, 171-75, 192               Oates, D., 261, 263
                       Maritime trade, 33-34; Achaemenid          Oates, Joan, 74, 99
                         networks of, 54-61; centers of,          Oman: ceramic parallels with,
                         83, 99; centered in Dilmun, 33,            221; copper associated with,
                         37; collapse of, 109; English              40; Gulf of, 171
                         and Dutch competition for, 69;           Oppenheim, A.L., 2, 32, 35-36,
                         in post A.D. 1750 era, 70-72;              38, 40; on concept of maritime
                         Neo-Assyrian to Parthian, 83;              trade, 38; on Dilmun as an
                         Sasanian, 110-11; with Dilmun,             agricultural center, 51, 53, 55
                         37; with the Far East, 63; with          Cfetkammer, ceramic assemblage
                         India, 99; with Magan and                  from, 253-55
                         Meluhha, 33-37                           Ottoman Turks, 69
                       Markets, 22, 103;                          Paleocli mates, 169, 182
                      Marwan, Abdl Malik bin, 63                  Paleoecological views of human
                      Masry, A.H., xx, 76, 200                      groups, 185
                      McClure, H.A., 142-46, 164-66, 185          Paleohydrological reconstructions,
                      McCown, D.E., 263                             139
                      McNicoll, A., 24, 43, 295                   Parpola, A., 234-35, 244
                      Medley, M., 287                             Parthians, overthrow of, 58
                      Meluhha, goods from, 33, 36

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