Page 358 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
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                        Batn Ardashir, 59                           51, 234, 244; from Failaka,
                        Belgrave, James, 85                         32; Kassite, 51
                        Bent, J.T., 31                            Cyrus, 54
                        Bibby, T.G., xix, 24, 32, 34, 38,         Dammam dome, 121, 135
                          44, 55, 58, 122, 175, 192, 209,         Dammam formation, 117, 192; Alat
                          217, 214, 292, 244—45; ceramic            limestone, 152, 192; Alat marl,
                          collections of, 239, 251-63;              152, 192; Khobar limestone 138,192
                          Kassite period ceramics of,             Danmark-Amerika Fondet, xix
                          249; Persian Gulf seals of,             Darius, 54
                          233-34; and Thaj, 148, 255, 257,        Debevoise, N.C., 265, 270
                          259; and 'Ubaid settlements, 122        DeCardi, Beatrice, 270, 282, 292
                        Bra id wood, Robert, 1                    Delougaz, P., 243
                        British East India Company, 70-71         Dilmun: copper associated with,
                        Brunswig, R.H., 234-35, 244                 36; Early, 31-41; Later, 41-53;
                        Buchanan, B. 233                            irrigation of, 78; population of,
                        Buhlul, Abd al-, 65-66                      202
                        Burkholder, Grace, 138-39                 Diyala basin, xvi-xvii; ceramics
                        Burnaburiash n, 50                          from, 225
                        Butzer, K.W., xv, xvii, 114,              Doornkamp, J.C., and others, 141-42,
                          171, 173, 182, 184                        154, 162, 175-77
                        Caravan routes, 69                        Durand, E.L., 22, 90
                        Carmathians, 64-66                        During Caspers, Elizabeth C.L.,
                        Central place theory, 4, 108                233, 243-45
                        Ceramic assemblages, 39;                  Dutch, entry into the gulf, 69
                          Achaemenid-Seleucid-Parthian,           Environments: changes of, 14;
                          255-67; Barbar I, 78, 214,                perspectives of, for archeology,
                          223-31; Barbar II, 43, 78,                114-15; Quaternary, 142-86
                          233-34, 247; Barbar Temple,             Environmental determinism, 1
                          209, 245-48; City I, R, 211;            Ercon, 125
                          Early Dilmun, 209; Early                Essarhaddon, 53
                          Islamic, 271-78; Early                  Evans, G., and others, 172-74
                          Sasanian, 270; Islamic                  Excavations: at 'Ain Qannas, 25,
                          Era, 251-52; Kassite, 249-51;             29; of Barbar Temple, 24; at
                          lack of Early Dynastic, 77;               al-Markh, 76; at Qala'at al-Bahrain,
                          Late Islamic, 285-293; Later              24-25, 55
                          Dilmun, 251-52; Late Parthian-          Failaka island, 40, 55; Barbar n
                          Sasanian, 267-70; Middle                  phase on, 202; ceramic assemblages
                          Islamic, 279-85; Neo-Assyrian             of, 234, 249
                          and Neo-Babylonian, 251-59;             Fairbridge, R.W., 173, 179
                          Pre-Barbar, 216-22; from Qala'at        Far East, maritime trade with, 63
                          al-Bahrain, 77, 209, 219, 243-46        Farush deposits: at Qala'at al-
                        Chandragupta, 57                            Bahrain, 176; artifacts in
                        Childe, V.G., 103                           association with, 211
                        Chisholm, M.D.I., 95                      Flemming, N.C., 179
                        Copper: associated with Dilmun,           Flint assemblages, 27; Group A,
                          36; associated with Oman 40               27; Group B, 27; Group C, 28;
                        Cornwall, P.B., 32                          Group D, 28-31
                        Cuneiform inscriptions, Amorite,          Folk, R.L., 157
                          234, 244; from Bahrain, 31-32;
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