Page 359 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
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      Ford Foundation, xix                     Hydrologic system, parameters
      Fossils, 143-47, 165                      of, 17
      Friedman, G.M., 157                     Ibn Battuta, 67
      Frifelt, Karen, xix, 43, 227,            Ibn Hawkal, 64, 87
        229, 246-47                            Idrisi, 66
      Gadd, C.J., 233                          India, trade with, 99
      Garden, J., xix                          Indus valley, trade goods
      Gelb, I.J., 234-35, 244                    from, 36
      Geoarcheological perspectives,           Interior basin, 162; and Ain al-
        200-207                                  Hunayni, 154; and southern playa,
      Geoarcheology: scope of, 3-4;              155, 164-66
        research problems of, 22               Interior platform, 120-21
      Geologic structure, 120-32;              Inzak, 31-32
         faults in, 123, 131, 132;             Irrigation, 16, 20; Abassid, 144;
        joints in, 123,181                       by qanats, 194-95, 204; by shaduf,
       Geology and settlement, 114               194; in Qatif, 136; medieval, 206;
      Gerrha: description of, by Pliny,          of alluvial fans, 194-95, 204;
         56; maritime trade of, 57; port         Sasanian, xvi; systems of Bahrain,
        city of, 56                              91
       Ghawar anticline, 148                   Isidore of Charax, 57
       Ghuzz, 65. See also Tribal groups       Islam, introduction of, to Bahrain, 63
      Gibson, M., xvi, xx, 243, 251, 259,      Italconsult, hydrological studies
         265, 269, 271, 273,                     by, 15-17, 125, 133-34, 136-37,
      Glob, P.V., 24, 27, 44, 55, 245-46         139,141
      Goudie, A.S., 155,173                    Jabrin Oasis, 188
       Govindankutty, A., 233                  Jafurah, al-, 144
       Gulf Asphalt Company, 157;              Jarman, M.R., 189
         Pleistocene lake deposits             Jemdet Nasr, 77, 246
        at, 155-61                             Johnson, G.A., xvi
       Gutian invasions, 34                    Kassite occupation at Qala'at
       Hadrami, al'Ala'al-, 63                   al-Bahrain, 80
       Hasa, al-, 64. See also                 Kassler, P. 121-22, 128, 131,
         Hofuf Oasis                             170-71, 179
       Hastings, A., and others, 221           Kapel, H., 27, 173
       Hellenistic era, 55-58                  Khalifah, al-, 71
       Helms, Carl, xix                        Kharijites, 63
       Himyarite kingdoms, 58                  Khuri, F., 62, 70-71
       Hobson, R.L., 275                       Khusraw, Nasir-i-, 64
       Hofuf oasis, 144-45; ceramics, 275,     Kjaerum, P., xix, 234
         282-83; control of by Usfurids,       Koopman, Toto, 252
         66; dated stratigraphy from, 148;     Kramer, C., 32
         drainage from, 145, 147-48, 184;      Lacustrine deposits, 142-43, 149,
         Early Dynastic evidence from, 200       155, 169
       Holm, D.A., 171                         Lakes, changes of level, 146;
       Hormuz, 67-69; tribute to, 205            late Pleistocene, 142-43, 155;
       Household size, changes in, 13            Holocene, 143-49
       Hudaru, 53                              Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C., 48-49,
       Humidity, 12                              219, 270, 233

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