Page 25 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 25
of changing behaviour towards a perfect direction by specific goals
formulated previously.
Edgar Dale(Rapid n.d.) argues that experiences that can provide
learning resources are classified according to a certain level in the form
of a cone of experience. The grading of these types of experiences is
arranged from the concrete to the abstract. As has been described,
learning resources are all resources that can be used to make it easier for
people to learn.
In developing learning resources, there are two kinds, namely;
1) Learning resources designed or intentionally created or used to
assist teaching and learning are commonly called learning resources
by design (designed learning resources). Learning resources of this
kind are often called learning materials. For example, textbooks,
modules, brochures, encyclopaedias, audio programs, sound slide
programs, films, videos, slides, film strips, and transparencies
(OHT). All this hardware is deliberately designed for teaching
2) Learning resources that make it easier for someone to learn in the
form of all kinds of learning resources around our environment are
already available and live to be used. These learning resources are
not designed for teaching activities but can be found, selected, and
used for learning purposes. This learning resource is called learning
resources by utilization. For example, parks, markets, shops,
museums, zoos, reservoirs, rice fields, terminals, newspapers,
television broadcasts, films, community leaders, government
officials, experts, religious leaders, sportsmen, and so on in the
surrounding environment can be utilized. For study purposes.
b. The Nature of Learning Resources
Learning resources are all kinds of materials that can be used to
provide information and various skills to students and teachers.
Likewise, game tools are a source of learning. Other learning resources