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Educational financing such as books, uniforms,
transportation costs, higher tuition fees or private tutoring, the
politicization of less pro-community education, and the burden of
tasks such as homework, local and national exams, unfair
assessments, and various other educational problems bring
boredom to society. On the other hand, Internet facilities such as
the growth of internet cafes, cafe nets, and even RT-nets have
provided unique conveniences for the community, where
financing is very affordable for all people. Home schooling, self-
study, and distance learning are the right choices for some people
today. In addition, curricula, teaching materials, and international
standard exams specially designed for children who choose to
home school are available on various Internet sites. It is even
easier to get international recognition.
The latest technology must be designed so that it is easy for
teachers. Teacher knowledge and skills must constantly be
improved, and various learning facilities, by utilizing various
sources, must always be available to avoid low public trust in
educational services provided in schools.
d. Benefits of Learning Media
The learning process is a communication process and takes place in
a system, so the learning media occupies an essential position as one of
the components of the learning system. Without the media,
communication will not occur, and the learning process as a
communication process will also not be able to take place optimally.
Learning media is an integral component that cannot be separated from
the learning system. The position of learning media as a communication
component (Daryanto 2011) is shown in Figure 2.