Page 23 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 23


                         and the fourth revolution took place with the widespread of electronic

                         communication media. Today we live in an information age marked by
                         the  availability  of  more  varied  information,  the  spread  of  information
                         that is increasingly widespread and instantaneous, and the availability of

                         information  in  various  forms  quickly.  All  efforts  to  collect,  process,
                         store, and present information always use the media, so this era can also

                         be called the media environment.
                    2. The Concept of Learning Resources
                      a.  Definition of Learning Resources

                              Resources  are  everything  that  exists  around  the  learning
                         environment  that  functionally  can  be  used  to  help  optimize  learning
                         outcomes.  Optimizing  learning  outcomes  can  be  seen  not  only  from

                         learning  outcomes  (output)  but  also  from  student  interactions  with
                         various kinds of learning resources that can stimulate students to learn
                         and  accelerate  understanding  and  mastery  of  the  fields  of  knowledge

                         they are studying.(Sanjaya 2008)
                              Barbara  B.  Seels  and  Rita  C.  Richey,  in  the  book  Learning

                         Technology, Definitions, and Areas, say that what is meant by sources
                         are  sources  that  support  learning,  including  service  systems,  learning
                         materials, and the environment. Learning resources are not only limited

                         to materials and tools used in the learning process but also personnel,
                         costs,  and  facilities.  Learning  resources  include  anything  that  can  be

                         used to help everyone to learn and display their competence.
                              AECT    (Association   for   Education   and   Communication
                         Technology) states that learning resources are all sources in the form of

                         data, people, and certain forms that can be used by students in learning,
                         either  separately  or  in  combination,  to  make  it  easier  for  students  to
                         achieve  learning  goals  or  achieve  specific  competencies.  Learning

                         resources are materials used and needed in the learning process, which
                         can be in the form of textbooks, print media, electronic media, resource
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