Page 27 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 27


                         tools. Books, resource persons, places, and all things increase children's

                              Another  function  of  learning  resources  is  improving  children's
                         language  development.  The  trick  is  to  talk  and  communicate  with

                         resource persons who can develop children's views on various aspects of
                         life. Thus, children not only get  information from the teacher but also

                         from other speakers who are presented in class.
                              Learning  resources  are  designed  to  have  specific  instructional
                         goals. Therefore, the purpose and function of learning resources are also

                         influenced by each type of variation of learning resources used.
                         In addition, learning resources also have the following functions:
                          1.  Increasing  learning  productivity  by  accelerating  the  pace  of

                              learning, helping teachers use time better, and reducing the burden
                              on  teachers  in  presenting  information  so  that  they  can  foster  and
                              develop a passion.

                          2.  Providing the possibility of more individual learning by reducing
                              rigid and traditional teacher control and providing opportunities for

                              students to develop according to their abilities.
                          3.  Provide  a  more  scientific  basis  for  learning  by designing  a  more
                              systematic  learning  program  and  developing  research-based

                              teaching materials.
                          4.  Strengthen learning by increasing the ability of learning resources

                              to present information and materials more concretely.
                          5.  Enables  instantaneous  learning,  which  reduces  the  gap  between
                              verbal and abstract learning with concrete realities providing direct

                          6.  Enables a broader learning presentation by presenting information
                              that can penetrate geographical boundaries.

                          7.  Provide  opportunities  to  gain  knowledge  and  enrich  children  by
                              using  various  tools,  books,  resource  persons,  and  all  things  that
                              increase children's knowledge.
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