Page 32 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 32


                         AECT Definition 1994. "Learning Technology is theory and practice in
                     the  design,  development,  utilization,  management,  and  evaluation  of

                     processes and resources for learning."
                         From the development of the definition according to AECT, it can be
                     concluded that technological developments must  also go hand in hand with

                     the  development  of  education  through  technology  in  learning  media.  The
                     whole  process  of  using  technology  in  learning  media  must  be  an  essential

                     concern for various parties because it involves technological progress itself;
                     besides that, according to the definition mentioned above, when observed in
                     detail,  technology  in  learning  media  undergoes  a  metamorphosis  towards

                     perfection. Initially only seen as a tool, then led to a system that continues to
                     be developed.

                         Behind it all, the development of technology in learning media is also a
                     severe  problem  for  several  countries,  especially  developing  countries.  The
                     obstacles  that  arise  in  the  development  of  learning  media  technology  in

                     developing  countries  are  usually  about  equitable  development.  It  is
                     undeniable  that  equitable  development  also  influences  the  development  of
                     learning media technology. Therefore, the support and cooperation of various

                     parties  will  benefit  future  developments.  The  effort  will  undoubtedly  be
                     considerable, but the result is progress for the country.
                         According to the 1994 AECT definition, there are five areas of work in

                     Learning Technology: Design, Development, Utilization, Management, and
                     Assessment. These five things are the area (domain) of the field of Learning

                     Technology. Below will be described the five areas, with their sub-categories
                     and related concepts:
                       a.  Design Area

                           The design here is a process to determine learning conditions to create
                       strategies  and  products.  The  design  area  stems  from  the  learning

                       psychology  movement,  mainly  inspired  by  the  thinking  of  B.F.  Skinner
                       (1954) on the theory of programmed learning (programmed instructions).
                       Furthermore,  in  1969,  Herbert  Simon's  thoughts,  who  discussed  design
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