Page 34 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 34
capture. Fleming and Levie limit messages to signal patterns or
symbols that can modify cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
behaviour. Message design deals with micro things, such as visual
material, sequences, separate pages, and screens. The design must
be specific about the media and the learning task. This implies that
message design principles will differ depending on the type of
media, whether static, dynamic, or a combination of the two (e.g., a
portrait, film, or computer graphic). Also, the learning task about
concept formation, attitude development, skill development,
learning strategies, or memorization
(3) Learning Strategy;
Namely specifications for selecting and sequencing learning
events or learning activities in a lesson. The theory of learning
strategies includes learning situations and learning/teaching
components. A designer uses a theory or component of a learning
strategy as a principle of learning technology. Applying a learning
strategy depends on the learning situation, the nature of the
material, and the desired type of learning.
(4) Characteristics of Learners.
Namely, aspects of the background of the learner's experience
affect the learning process's effectiveness. Characteristics of
learners include the socio-psycho-physical state of the learner.
Psychologically, what needs attention from the characteristics of
students are related to their abilities, potential and fundamental
skills, and personalities, such as attitudes, emotions, motivations,
and other personality aspects.
b. Development Area
Development is the process of translating design specifications into
physical form, which includes (1) printing technology, (2) audio-visual
technology, (3) computer-based technology, and (4) integrated technology.
The development area is rooted in media production. Over the years, this