Page 49 - C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Flip PDF Corporate Edition\2023.1《香韵》杂志-第十三期 - 线上版\
P. 49
Zha ng W engui, Secr eta r y of J inxi Co un ty P a r ty Commit tee , F uzho u City ,
Zhang Wengui, Secretary of Jinxi County Party Committee, Fuzhou City,
J ia ngxi P r ovince , a nd his de leg ation visited Bo ton Gr o u p f or in v estig ation
Jiangxi Province, and his delegation visited Boton Group for investigation
文 / 行政中心
By Administrative Center
Zhang Wengui, Secretary of Jinxi County Party Committee, and his
delegation visited and exchanged ideas
2022 年 4 月 27 日,江西省抚州市金溪县委书记张文贵一行到波顿集团参观调研。全国政协委员、中国波顿集
On April 27, 2022, a delegation led by Zhang Wengui, Secretary of Jinxi County Party Committee, Fuzhou City,
Jiangxi Province, visited Bolton Group for investigation. Wang Mingfan, member of the National Committee of the
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, chairman and president of China Boton Group, Yang Yingchun,
director and vice president of China Boton Group, and heads of relevant departments participated in the discussion,
and the two sides held exchanges and talks.