Page 47 - C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Flip PDF Corporate Edition\2023.1《香韵》杂志-第十三期 - 线上版\
P. 47



                   Gao Shiwen, Mayor of Fuzhou Municipal People's Government of Jiangxi
                   Gao S hi w en, M a y or of F uzho u M unici pal P eo p le's Gov ernmen t of J ia ngxi
                                Province, and his delegation visited Boton Group
                                P r ovince , a nd his de leg ation visited Bo ton Gr o u p

                                                                                                文 / 行政中心
                                                                                    By Administrative Center

                   2022 年 8 月 29 日,江西省抚州市委副书记、市长高世文,副市长汪华辉等一行到波顿集团参观考察。全国政

                   On August 29, 2022, Gao Shiwen, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee and Mayor of
               Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, and Wang Huahui, Deputy Mayor of Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, and other delegations
               visited Boton Group. Wang Mingfan, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political
               Consultative Conference, chairman and president of China Boton Group Co., Ltd., Yang Yingchun, director and vice
               president of China Boton Group, and leaders of relevant departments accompanied the visit and had a discussion.
               Ding Wu'an, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of

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