Page 143 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 143

Drawing Lines and Shapes           143

              Reverse path
                    Press the REVERSE PATH button on the InfoBar to switch around the head and tail
                     of the selected line.

              Adding more line segments
              Lines created with the STRAIGHT LINE TOOL are of course fully compatible with the other
              drawing tools. So if you want to add more segments to a line, make it curved, or perhaps
              even turn it into a closed shape, use the SHAPE EDITOR TOOL.

              The Shape Editor tool

                      The SHAPE EDITORTOOL is the main tool used for both creating precise curves,
                      lines, and shapes, as well as editing or altering lines and shapes.

                    Add/Change/Edit Indicator
                    Make curve
                    Make line
                    Smooth join
                    Sharp join
                    Break at points
                    Delete points
                    Reverse paths
                    Positions of handles

              The InfoBar, shown above, provides a wide range of controls as well as precise numeric

              All lines and shapes in Xara Web Designer Premium are made from a sequence of curve
              and line sections. Curves are sometimes called "Bézier" curves after the mathematician
              who first described them.
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