Page 147 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 147

Drawing Lines and Shapes           147

              Deleting points

                            Select the point handle(s) as described above and either click the
                            DELETE POINTS button (SHAPE TOOL InfoBar), or press "Del".

              Moving point handles—Shape Editor Tool

              You can move one or more selected handles:
              •  Drag the handles using the mouse.
              •  Or use the arrow keys on the keyboard.

              Or to move a single handle, type new values into the text boxes on the InfoBar (see

              Using the text boxes on the InfoBar
                                                               The center pair of text
                                                               boxes always shows the
                                                               X/Y co-ordinates of the
                                                               selected point.

              The surrounding X/Y fields show the co-ordinates of the curve handles on either side of
              the selected point.

              X/Y co-ordinates are relative to the bottom left corner of the page by default for print
              document and top left for web documents. You can change this in the Grid and ruler (on
              page 500) tab in the options dialog.
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