Page 149 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 149

Drawing Lines and Shapes           149

              Constraining the line

                                       When dragging a point handle, holding down the
                                       constrain key ("Ctrl") will constrain the movement to
                                       multiples of the constrain angle (controlled from the
                                       OPTIONS dialog, GENERAL tab). When dragging a curve
                                       handle the angle is constrained.

              Changing a straight line to a curve (and vice versa)

              1.   Select the point handles at both ends of a line segment. For several line segments
                  select all bordering point handles.
              2.   Click the Make curve     or Make line    button on the InfoBar, or press "L" or "C"
                  (these shortcuts only work in the Shape Tool).

              After changing the line type, you may need to move the curve handles for a smooth
              transition between curved and straight line segments.
              You can select several line segments and convert them all. The point handles at both
              ends of the segment must be selected.

              Changing curves

              Using the curve handle

              Dragging the curve handle will adjust the curvature of the adjoining curve segments.
                                    Move the curve handle towards or away from the point
                                    handle to pull the curve in the required direction.
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