Page 148 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 148

148      Drawing Lines and Shapes

                If the selected point is on the end of a straight line section, the left fields show the length
                and angle of the line. You can adjust either by entering a new value and pressing return.

                      Length and angle for straight line
                      Position of selected point
                      Position of curve handle

                Smoothing a line

                Imported shapes or shapes from tracers may have unnecessary points on a line. Lines
                with too many points can be unwieldy and can slow down rendering. Xara Web Designer
                Premium can smooth the line to remove unnecessary points.

                Select all the points on the part of the line you want to smooth (see above). Drag
                selecting around the region in the SHAPE TOOL is probably the easiest way to select a
                large number of points.

                 Drag the smoothing slider on the end of the SHAPE
                 TOOL InfoBar.

                Tip: to make sure important points are not deleted, make sure they are not selected
                ("Shift + Click" on a selected point deselects it).
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