Page 145 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 145

Drawing Lines and Shapes           145

              3.   Either click or drag (as described for straight lines) to create a second point handle,
                  and a curve segment will be added to the line.
                                                       A curve segment has CURVE HANDLES
                                                       associated with the selected point handle.
                                                       You can drag these to adjust the angle
                                                       and radius of the curve.

              Extending the line

              Make sure an end point handle is the selected handle (red outline) and then just click
              again to add a new line or curve section.  Each successive click places a new point
              handle and draws a new line segment to the selected point handle.

              Finishing the line

              + click completes the line (keeps it selected), or press "Esc" to finish the line and de-
              select it.  After this, additional clicks will start a new line.

              Adding a new point handle

              The SHAPE TOOL has three modes, depending on whether no point handles are selected
              (a click will start a new line), an end handle is selected (a click will add a new section), or
              one or more other point handles are selected (you can drag or change the handles).
               The InfoBar shows the current mode.

              •  NEW: Click to start a new line,
              •  ADD: Click to extend the line,
              •  CHANGE: Drag or delete point handles to change.

              This applies to the SHAPE TOOL only.
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