Page 144 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 144

144      Drawing Lines and Shapes

                The sections or segments of a line are marked by small black point handles. You can
                drag, add and delete these handles to manipulate the shape of the line or outline.

                Some objects such as QuickShapes, rectangles, ellipses, and text have to be converted
                into editable shapes before you can use the SHAPE EDITOR TOOL on them. To do this,
                select an object and choose "ARRANGE" > "COMBINE SHAPES" > "ADD SHAPE".

                To draw a straight line segment
                Using the SHAPE TOOL, start a straight line:

                1.   Click where you want to start the line. You can start a line at either end; you don’t
                    have to work left to right, or top-to-bottom. This creates a point handle, and is
                    displayed as a red square to indicate that it is the selected handle.
                2.   If necessary select the MAKE LINE button on the InfoBar ("L"). This ensures the next
                    click will draw a straight line segment.

                                                        Either click where you want the next
                                                        point handle to be, or click and drag,
                                                        and then release the mouse button
                                                        when the line is correct. This creates
                                                        a line segment and selects the new
                                                        end point handle.

                Mixing curved and straight lines
                To create an object which is a mixture of straight and curved segments, just switch
                between the MAKE CURVE and MAKE LINE buttons as you create the object (you can also
                press "L" or "C" on the keyboard.)

                Note: You can also use the keyboard shortcut "X" to create a Cusp Join or "S" to create a
                Smooth Join while using the SHAPE TOOL. These affect the way two line segments come
                together. A Cusp Join creates 2 independent Bezier control handles that you can edit
                separately. With a cusp join, you can create a sharp angle. A Smooth Join creates a
                symmetrical join that works like a see saw. If you drag one Bezier control handle down,
                the opposing control handle goes up.

                To draw a curved line segment:
                                      This is similar to starting a straight line (described above).

                1.   Click where you want to start the line.
                2.   If necessary select the MAKE CURVE button (shortcut "C".)
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