Page 146 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 146

146      Drawing Lines and Shapes

                To the end of a line:
                 Make sure the line is selected, then:

                 1.   If necessary, click on the end point to
                     select it.
                 2.   Position the pointer and click to add
                     a new section.

                To the middle of a line:
                 Make sure the line is selected, then;

                 1.   Click on the line to add a new point handle
                     into the line
                 2.   Drag the point handle to the required position.

                To the start of a line:
                If the end point is selected, clicking on the start point closes the shape (this is described
                in "Closing a shape (on page 139)” ). To add a new control handle to the start of a line:

                1.   Finish the line using "Shift + click".
                2.   Click on the start handle.
                3.   Position the pointer and click.

                Selecting multiple point handles

                You may want to select several point handles to delete them, move them as a group, or
                change a region of points to curved or straight lines. To do this:
                1.   Select one point handle in the normal way by clicking on it.
                2.   "Shift + click" the other point handles to select them ("Shift + click" also deselects.)

                   -   Or "Ctrl + Shift + click" on a point handle to select all point handles on the line.
                   -   Or drag the mouse pointer diagonally to create a selection rectangle. All point
                       handles in the rectangle are selected.
                   -   Or "Shift + drag" diagonally to create a selection rectangle. This adds all points
                       within the rectangle to those already selected.
                3.   If the line has one or more selected point handles:

                   -   End moves the selection to the end of the line.
                   -   Home moves the selection to the start of the line.
                   -   Tab moves the selection to the next point handle towards the end.
                   -   "Shift + Tab" moves the selection to the next point handle towards the start.
                The start and end points are significant when applying arrows (on page 152).
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