Page 10 - Souvenir - v4 (2)
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Mr. Ram Naresh Singh Mr. Samiran Dutta
Chairman, Damodar Valley Corporation Director Finance, Coal India Limited
Mr. Tanmay Chatterjee Mr. Adithya Bhat
Chief General Manager (Finance), President , IIA India
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Session Brief Speakers
Electricity is a highly regulated industry in India and hence Regulation Mr. Gopal Saxena
and Tariff fixation are two key components to this business sector. Ex-Independent Director & Audit Committee Chairman, WBSEDCL
Power regulation and its changes are often denoted as key risks to the
Mr. Utpal Bhattacharyya
The trends in Electricity Regulation in India, new developments and President, Regulatory Affairs RP-SG Group
prospective changes will be discussed in this session by eminent
professionals from the related field.
S E S I O N 2 : Changing Dynamics of Power Procurement in India
Session Brief Speakers
With Revenue fixed through Regulated Tariff, sourcing of power at Mr. Prabhajit Kumar Sarkar
optimum rates is the key to business survival for any Power Distribution Managing Director & CEO, Power Exchange India Limited
The changing scenario of power procurement, power contracts and the
new vista for trading through Power Exchanges will be presented in this
session by eminent professionals from the related field.
S E S S I O N 3 : ESG / Renewable Energy
Session Brief Speakers
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) is an evaluation Mr. Pankaj Batra
of a firm’s collective conscientiousness for social and environmental Member Planning, Central Electricity, Authority &
factors. Investors are increasingly applying these factors as part of their Ex Officio, Addl. Secretary to Govt. of India
analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities.
Renewable Energy is a prime component and its growing importance will Mr. Arup Sarkar
be discussed in this session by the distinguished speaker Member (Finance), Damodar Valley Corporation
S E S S I O N 4 : Sustainable Finance
Session Brief Speakers
Sustainable finance refers to any form of financial service integrating Mr. Rajib Basu
environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the business or Partner, PwC India
investment decisions for the lasting benefit of both clients and society at
The worldwide development of Sustainable Financing in industry will be
presented in this session by eminent professionals from the related field.
S E S S I O N 5 : Digital Transformation - the way forward
Session Brief Speakers
Mr. Sanjeev Sinha
Digitalization of power trading has gained significant importance in the President– IT & Digitisation, India Power
last couple of years. This has made power trading seamless and boosted
the ease of trading. It has also enhanced transparency and made the Mr. Vinit Mishra
business more efficient. Director- Technology Consulting, EY
P A N E L D I S C U S S I O N: Evolving risk landscape and role of Internal Audit in Power & Energy Sector
Mr. Jai Narayan Gupta Mr. Shyamal Budhdev
Practicing Chartered Accountant Chief Internal Auditor, Suzlon Energy Limited
Mr. Somesh Dasgupta Mr.Sunil Rao Addanki
Whole-time Director, India Power President, IIA-India Hyderabad Chapter
Q&A Session, Declaration of Quiz Winners and Vote of Thanks