Page 42 - PoemsNeathTheWesternSky
P. 42

Buckhouse Poems

                                                       Ol’ Wilbur

                                    T'was the winter of 71 Virginia City caught fire;
                                                The town went up in flame

                                        I'm here to apologize for Great Grandpa
                                           Cause his mule is the one to blame

                                                I was keeping it to myself
                                                    At least till I retire

                                          Truth of the matter it was ol’ Wilbur
                                               The night he caught on fire

                                                See old doc he drank a bit

                                                And liked to sit and chew

                                           Store bought liquor weren’t for him
                                                 He liked a stronger brew

                                          Ol Wilbur was in doc's barn one night

                                                 To fix what he was ailing
                                               Seems he got into the mash

                                              And sent the barn door sailing

                                           He lit out straight for Virginia City
                                                By now he’s seeing double

                                           He weren't exactly point'n straight

                                             But he never meant no trouble
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