Page 21 - Sterling 2k21
P. 21
MJKPS, Ashok Vihar,
conducts investiture
tulfi.lllnJ: hit As tn:llln· aruJ tnaAU\ 11'1. 1nnova
Ill.D\ 8 111 lU• L1GD, ando�l!l'all µr nuuon
d<'DU ln.m ?0 Thucl pnrn:4111. R:uh
Khoo of IMhl par ml M�bta upr J hl!l' i:n:iu
u lfU.kd ID varlmu 1ude f 11,,, llul pam�,pa
comp utioiu and 1100 and u1i:l.'d t!\·<'nllno 10
·ump, I ·d ln th do lurn 10 dt'ly all oddJ and b
m ,tn• rll J"('onn1n1 c n,,.mJr m1111i:r1l In 9-0lf
r1 • lltrn,ry 1nd Kl 1rn..-1h anti •\Jlhl! "'Ith thn
rntlnc: chal1nni,; . rhmllln umr,• The n>Hl•'CS
Thi! 111111• Of 11.l"� C!JI• •·lnnln& 1rnpb� � 1 wnn �
�Ion I 1Jll,lr lllk'nl :\!""rfnn SchlJl>I, \•hnli Vt r
and �litlla In d,, . .,.,r .\II th r• 1,1°" bolrm11rnl th••
,:::�r=====::::==� rompc11t1on• urh in panx:1: n oC lh lnrer Srbol
T«dpllch ,\rtop('dl11 C mprlllfon -..rm cnnrrrrnl
\ [L'UIIOCAIW , l::IIJICII• • Ith l:kci lUI� llt lllllL
i-n-· .. 1-'1 c.: hrontdes to
ll.' a ti" Tb IWiOll'd
t.'l.,n1.a 1;A, 1 iu,uJorm 10
Lhe ·,IUJ llb to OllJIUru
au J.11 1<4111' cr .. 1111\ II · I' pl re tt'Ch
l'llbllc S<.bool n log):. �1 le11L dl,er
•h, k V1har tit)' and me 11r111!l lir.11I
M 11111an1•od It f'!'fh1p and t11lt•n1 Thry
nr t vlrrn I annu 11 1n1rr- •hn• , � 1hnlr Jl('rlll(',
>m-"1ll'\mit f:�lom2k.l 11Jar p•rform.sncnanrl ml
•Ith Et:OAEMOl\1A u Ill f'nl thn1111h 11.rln11rlrd
1hrm1• Th f\' n• • m•'d �• 111 ,·fdl't.1• •nrf rDF, •h1ch
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fl'llrl • l'Ull"" lnwn an l i,vnnce to th t ant', nn11